05/97 colly by speed freak
05/97 colly by speed freak
/ speed freak/triloxy.fuel --- -- - -
/ contacts speedfrk@glo.be --- -- - -
/ / sacred grounds +32-11-273ooo --- -- - -
.--- / ascii.modding.boozing.fucking --- -- - -
. . : ,n,
:.: : :............ : .. : : : . i
.:. : . . : . : ii
i.: muh oldskool/newskool colly for dah 05/97 triloxy paquette ... ? i.:
ii : : . .:.
i : : . / / / : :.:
. .i dot galore
i :
i nobodys perfect, but im the closest thing alive ...
,------,---------------------------------------------------------------,------, :::::::: inventory ::/::::::/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-page--logo----------------------done for--------//
o1 triloxy logo triloxy
o2 agony kel7har /
o3 remorse!ascii remorse
o4 session e-side
o5 count drakula countie
o6 / ert ehr...
o7 resume download public enemy
o8 skylab skylab/codine
o9 deep waterz doctor k-os
1o destiny slackjaw
11 / acid!ascii remorse /
12 spoof shatter compo
13 the end *fini!*
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o1::: logo says: triloxy : done 4: triloxy ppl ::/::::::/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
,,sig ggg,
. 17 l .... . : ........
. :....: . l ,siSs,..sSis .:. . Sisg : : ... :
... : :..: g n , ,sSin .....
: ... : :. l gg 1 ,s4S7 g ...: : :
: .. . . 11 1 ll g 1 :... .. :
. : ....:. lg , d 1 gg1 .... : . .... : . l1g 1 l : : ...
,sS 1 l Sl .....:
4Pg, gg ,,.sSis, .
4Pg, ,sS 5ftly
triloxy........ we raped your girl...
she said we were better then you
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o2::: logo says: agony : done 4: kel7har ::/::::::/
b, ,xSXx, ,xXXx, ,xXx, ,x Xx,
,d,d,d,,db l
ll :l :ll :ll :ll :
----- , i, , i i, i -----
,SSggggg ,SSggggg5ftly
agony mirc script by kel7har
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o3::: logo says: remorse : done 4: remorse team ::/::::::/
............:.. : ..: .:....... acid!ascii..:. ...... .. :
.b. b.. b. bbb..b
.. b.. b. bbggggg,.b
. . b..b. bb ggggb.b
. x7..b. bb ,bx7
5f . : ggggg ..x7b : x7ggggg
. : : : . 1 9 8 4
... .... ........:............: reeemowrsah : ....
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o4::: logo says: session : done 4: e-side ::/::::::/
i: sessiOn :
i igggggggi
. .. +o e-side ... .
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o5::: logo says: count drakula : done 4: ceeedeeee?@ ::/::::::/
. . ,,-- oOo oOo : .
a tribute to . // / : /--,, //----/, // : : .
the ansipimp : // //: , / . / :
. ... / . / : / // / . 5f
co un t dra ku l a.. .
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o6::: logo says: nuthin : done 4: ert, ahah! ::/::::::/
,d,mssgggxx,,b, - meet ert, hes cool
l l l
l ll l
b ,gggg, d
b ,
b, ,,ggS7 5f
- his killer body!
/ - penis included
actually, i did this one to make someone pissed ... hi ert...
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o7::: logo says: resume : done 4: public enemy ::/::::::/
resume download v1.1 coded by public enemy/triloxy 5f
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o8::: logo says: skylab : done 4: skylab ::/::::::/
: . , .-----::: /----:: ./ ::: / . ::: 5f : . :
:::.. / / : : : :. ::::. :::. / .::: / i
: /:: . :: :: ::. / :i:
: s k y l ab / / / / .:i
. . codine member / --/ :
does this stink? yes speed, it does...
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :o9::: logo says: deep waterz : done 4: doctor k-os ::/::::::/
:. :. :.:: 5f // : /
de e. p // -- +--- -
: . w a. t e r z operated by
: - doctor k-os
... ..triloxy werld headqatez ..
twee kleine visjes, die gingen naar de zee, goed zei de moeder
maar ik ga nie mee.. tralalala...
high crap rate detected
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :1o::: logo says: destiny : done 4: slackjaw ::/::::::/
/ : / / / ::::./..: / destiny: :
/ 5f.tly
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :11::: logo says: acid!ascii : done 4: remorse again? ::/::::::/
,s@s, 7Si@s,
7Si@s, ,s@iS7i7Si@s,
,oi7 77 ,s@iS7i
, : ggggggg iqi :
gggggggggg. ggggggg ggggggg. ggggggg ggggggg ggggggg. ggggggggg
77q7 77q7 7 77q7
,s@s, ,s@s,
7Si@s, ,s@iS7i7Si@s, ,s@iS7i7Si@s,
,oi7 77 77
, gggggggggg : ggggggg iqi iqi
: ggggggg. :
gggggggggg. ggggggg ggggggg. ggggggg ggggggg. ggggggg ggggggg ggggggggg
77q7 77q7 77q7 7 7 5f
remorse acid!ascii
,------,-------------------------------.-------------------------------,------, :12::: logo says: spoof : done 4: shatter compo ::/::::::/
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8lS@is, ,s
8l8ls, ,
8l8ll ,
8lP,s, 8l S
8l77,sS,,xS, l
8l7,xii 7 , ,siSSis, ,sx, ,
8l7 x 1 l ,77 q,Y
8l7 x , S,
7 , ,,sssi1, l 1l l 7i,
,SSis@Y ,47 , ,7 ,i
l 7Y bgS7 YSisgsiSJ ,s7
lggS7Y7SS, 77 ,siSSis,7SS7 7. 77
, l l ,77 7b,
l7 l , 7 n
l k,1 l
l 7 , ,7 1, , x 1SisgsiSJ ,S
7,7XiiggggmiS 7SS7 7 spOOf? ... yep.
g, x
n opped by serial toon blackjack
,------,---------------------------------------------------------------,------, :13::: the end - greets and respect to: ::/::::::/
personal greetings go out to: count drakula, turbo-d, the knight, dr. freeze,
primate, darkmoon, radio 24, thorax, dark entity, roadrash, burps, aoh,
skylab, misty, chrom, super88, drax, blackjack, spin, palmore, necromancer,
serial2n, night daemon, inocid, ...
blablabla, too many people anyway, you know if you should be greeted by me
or not, if i forgot you, hi!
anyway, to make it shorter: all in triloxy fuel ascii euroscene plan9
modders serial comic
group greets: fuel triloxy aegis drop comic serial remorse plan9 mvp codine
fire cia acid ice blade trash blackmaiden
and a very very very very big FUCK YOU to : D-FENSE, a local belgian lamer
who now uses the nick NECROMANCER, he didnt even know there is an asciigawd
with that name... df, well meet sometime asshole, i swear.