Massive Promotional by Discyple and Pariah
Massive Promotional by Discyple and Pariah
Discyple , Pariah ,d ,d, ...,,,,...
,dh ,dP .,s@SS@s,.
* s*Ss,. P,l ,dh ,dS7h,
bsss@b,P ,7,78888d ,s P d s7P sb,. ,P .6P
,dh, s7P s,d,b pq@l S@@S
I l lb,h,,d ,d,: : command 1 :
l ,bdP ,l P command 2 l
,I lP dl command 3 I
P d P d3@gsd command 4 , l
P, l,l ,lh,g command 5 l 7
,@- ,,d l llh Pd: command 6 l
: , gg , h ,l ,P .,d
: ldd,7h,dP,, 7, , , @g dh 7P,l ::@ggb, ,dggl
P,dP , *7, ggggS@s,....,s@SP
s ,dP
,y, dQP