remix of maxx by sudiphed/jandor
remix of maxx by sudiphed/jandor
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------sssss,. @SSss,,..
Ss @SSss,, 4Ss,.@@Ss, Ss,.,ss,@S,y s ,Ss @bY,s Ss,. @bY, Y, ,sS,9Ss,. Y @ s@Y s, Y,sS,sSSs,,dY ,@SssY, Y4SsS@@SY, bb YSS@ s Ys, ,sSSs, sSSs, ,sS, Ss, s @@Y S ,s@s,@ ,sSSssY S,@@@ssssSS@,. ,Ss, Ss, b S,S@,,Y, @@@SSS.Ss@SY, SSSsss,,,@@@Ss,,Y Y,s,,, Y,YY Ys,,,@@ Y,YYY@@ss,,@@ Y,YYYY YSSss,, Y,YYYYY SSss sY,YYYYY ,YYYYY YYYY Y Y
j a n d o r - original ascii /-/ s u d i p h e d - touchups