===================================[ADS]====================================== . . . . . . . . : : _: :__: :______________________________ : : | | \| | | | ck!/ | | | | | | | | -kATHARSIS^aSC / | | | | | | | | / | | | |____________| |__| |____ _______ _____________/____| |__________ | . __/ ___ | _/|_ . | ____ | ___ \____ ----/ |____ ----/ |____|____\_______)________/___|____)_______)____| \/________/_____|________/ \ / \________ ___________________/ / ____ |____ ----/ ______| \________)________/__________) \ / \ / \ / \________________/ -pRESENTS- -iN- -cONJUNCTION- -wITH- _______ ______ _____ ______| /____________ __________________ _____ -______| / / / | | /__ ___/ __/_____ \ __ / |_____ \ | | | / / \_/____ | l __/ _/ \ \______ / / | / | / \; | l _/__\______ / | .| \ / | / / _____/ | / \ \ | | / l / |____| ||______\/ | /_____/ | _\ /| \ | | |/ _/ | ||-ps- \______/(___/ ______; ______/ `---'\___;---| |------' | | |____| : | : : -aN- -aSCII- -pRODUCTION- -oF- [:%:] tHE [:%:] [CC] ____/\_ _/\|_________/\_ ____.__/\_____.__/\ _/ ____/__/ \\ \_ ____/_/ | \\_ | \\_ ///=========\_ _)_ \_ \ _/ _)_ \_ \_/ ._/___` __/=======]=\\\ | .| \ | .| | :|. \_ | |____ :|___| |____ :|___| .|: ____| ///=[oN iRC]======\_____ltZ^l____l===\_____l===l____l_____/======[oN iRC]=\\\ ::===========================]: cAST :[=============================:: (#) in order of apearance (#) ::========================> da old school <=========================:: tINYZ kTS!aSCII^fOUNDER "ok, let's vote on it" Sparr kTS!aSCII^SS^gUARD "fuck democracy!DICTATORSHIP!" 33ri3 kTS!aSCII^hIGH-aSCII^gOD "they had to validate me because of my elite kts affil" *Mass Delusion kTS!aSCII^pHUNKSTER "pr is going up tonight, i swear" Poskgubbe kTS!aSCII^bEGGA "isn't remorse a bad feeling or something" Redd kTS!aSCII^aMI^sCENE^dOOD "there is no dog" *Saro kTS!aSCII^sEKOND^mEMBA "was it a virus or a trojan?" Shock-G! kTS!aSCII^aSCII^gOD "CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!" Motion Man kTS!aSCII^dOMINATOR "where's the $$$ for the CDs?" K-Spiff kTS!aSCII^pICER "i'm back" ::========================> da gnu school <=========================:: *pEEWEE kTS!aSCII^mASS-pRODUCER "we'll have 200+ asciis per pack" Archaeik kTS!aSCII^gNU^kID^oN^dA^bLOK "so am i in?" Cyber Kid kTS!aSCII^dUTCH-dOOD "actually done without anyone asking for it" ::========================> dose who left <=========================:: NighTrain kTS!aSCII^kOLOR^aSCII^dOOD "i had it 0-day" ========================================================================== * denotes a non-speaking role ...so les go... but first, a word from our sponsor __ _ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : - -- -------- ---------------------o----o-o+ ##%:' sup people. katharsis ascii presents you our new release called nME. #%: we decided to move ____ on to the next stage with nME, with constructing %:. this pack the new /_ \ \ way (well, at least it __ is a new way for kts :. releases anyway). / \_\____ ________ ______/\ \ we really think this : format suits ascii / | | |\ / /_ / ____\_\___ way better than . just zipping them / : | |/ / /\_\/___ | __ / / up all in their separate files. / | | / \/ / / : / / / / yeah, that's it. \ /| |/ /\ \ \ _/_/ / / what has happened \ / | : / / / _ \ \ __/ / /____ in between this and the previous \/_/| |/ / /\ /| _ \_\\ / / _/_/ pack? nothing. . i guess. well, a few | _____\_\ \/_| /|__ | \/_/ \ \ members decided to leap off to remorse. |____| | / /|| : \ \ nothing to say. . wish y'all luck with remorse |/_/ |: ________\_\ because we think you are definitely going to need |____/_/ it, if you're : aiming for the #1.. so. that's all. merry christmas and a happy : new year. get yourself wasted on the new years eve and have fun. later. :::... .. . . ..: email % sparr@anon.penet.fi we now return to our show : : | | | and so ended the journey of the brave few... they had worked for weeks | | since their last release, the masses calling for their blood. thus | | the time of reconing had come. the enemy was released from it cage. | | but this was no ordinary release, this enemy they had created. no, | | it was the finest beast to ever walk the planet of the pc. all those | | that came before it doubtlessly paled. but it did not matter to | | these few chosen ones, for their work for this period was complete, | | the masses would be satisfied, till their hunger would grow again, | | in thiry and one days time. the hunger was forgotten for now, though. | | the masses were satisfied. | | | | for now | ___________________ _________ ______________ the notorious _/ _ \____\_ \ \_ | \________ \_ on da kts tip asskey zee \_____| _/ _/ _/____ _/ _______/ phuk dem other | | | | | | | | hoez | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | ! | ! | ===[+tZ^]==l____l____l____l____l_________l_________l====== ______ ________ _______ ________ ______ _/ ._/_______\___ \_/ ___/_____\___ \_/ ____/__ | :| (_ .| .| ! ._) .| .|______ \_ | .| .| :| :|_____ :| :| :|. _/ :| | | :| .| .|. \_ .| .| .|: | .| --+tZ^-_| ! _| .! .|: .|_ .! .|. ! |_-------- ^^^^^^^\___________\____________|___________/__________|___________/^^^^^^^^ __ _/ \_ | | |`--'| | | .--._/\/\_.-w-e--g-o-t-z--d-a--p-h-u-n-k--p-u-n-k---| oo |----+--+. ]-----+-. |-OO-| ...n.m.e...n.m.e...w.h.a.t...d.o...i... |_--_| | | >>--' | | __ | ...s.e.e...n.m.e...n.m.e...o.n...i.r.c... `--' | `--+- "i smoke `-:(__):-------------------------. k.N.O.W..u.R...n.M.E +----------+ kTS!pOT --`----+%%%%%::cYBERfORCE::%%%%%%`-----------+-Z-Y-N-I-t--' | everyday" `-------------------------------------' __/\_____________|__/\_________________/\__________/\ \_ ______ | /_____ \_ _______________ \\_ _/ / _\__/\ | /\ / /__ _) \ / ____/_--------------------+ \ ___ \\ \\____ \\______ \ \_ \_ | +\// \ / /_ / \\_____ /___/ / stats upon stats | :_// \\______ // \_________/ \ // \______ // are to be placed | :\______________/ \/ \/ \/ into this little | : | space, boyee... | : even more stats | | : niggaz so enjoy _/\_______________/\________/\___/\___________________/\_| : them \_ ___________ _/_____ \\_ ______ _ _________/| : _/ ___) | \ / ____/_ / _\__/ _) \-' : \ ___ \ | \\_ \_ \\ \_ `------------------ \// \\_ | /__/ / \_________ / _/ /________ / \______ //___________/ \ // \________ / \/ \/ \/ \/ __/\/\__ UwEWP| __ \_ oo _/ | | ----._/ \_.----w-e--g-o-t-z--d-a--p-h-u-n-k--p-u-n-k-----| __ |----+--+. ]--. |`--'|::itz:the:nme:within::my:friends:and:comrades::|_ _| | | | | oo |::the:only:thing:we:have:to:fear:is:ourselves:: `--' | `--+- `-|.__.:------------------------------. r:::w:E:::d:A:::n:M:E ]---------<< v l_UU_+%%%%%%%%::dEMO!nEWS::%%%%%%%%%`-----------+-Z-Y-N-I-t--' | `----' \/ `------------------------------------------' I `--- __ ______/\___________________________ __ ________________|. \ /\_______ \____ \\ ________ _ _ ______ \ / \| \ ________ |: \// ____ / / | \ _) \ \_/ \ | \\ // \\ \\ _) \ | \\______\/\ / | \\ \\ | \\ | \\ // \\ \\ /~\ \\ / \\ \_____ //_______/___| //________/ \____\_____/_______/_________/________/ ===\_____/============|____/=========================================[+tZ^]== v U .---' __ _/\/\_ | | ------__/ \__--w-e--g-o-t-z--d-a--p-h-u-n-k--p-u-n-k---(_ oO _)-------+. ]----.\______/#pUBLIC^nME^nUMBA^oNE###i^sAW^tHEM^hOES####| .. |eYE| | kTS!| | oo |#####aND^tHEY^gOTT^nUMB##| __ |SUk| | r00LZ`-+ .. +--------------------------.#eYEM#nOT#uR#nME#| UU | ]-+-------<< v | __ |%%%%%::hARVEST!mOON::%%%%%`-------------+---`----'---' `--. `------+_ _+---->t<->w<->i<->n<->g<->l<->e<->s<-----'"i'm a remorse fan" | `--' __ __ ______ _______ __ __ ______ ___________________ __/ | \___/ ___/___\____ \__/ | \___/_____/___/ __________ ______/ .-----\ _ / .| / _/ __/ :| / _) / _____ / /--+ |+tZ!_/ :| \_ ._ \_ :| \_ .| \_ \_/ / \_ \_ | |wEWp\ .| / :| / .| / .| / // / / | +-----\____|____/____|____/____|____/_________/_________/_________/_______/--+ |[ Harvest Moon ]:[+1^216^951^7059]:::___ ___::::______::::______::::_____:::| |[ Sysop:Qur'an ] [ KTS!ASCDIST ]:_/ | \__/ ___/___/ ___/___/ _ \__| |::::::::[iCE/UNiON/BLADE/PSY/CIA]::\ \_/ / .| / :| / :| /| |:_/\/\_:[TwingleNet/GRiPNet/Blur]:_/ :| \_ :| \_ .| \_ .| \| |(_ oO _)[LAPSE/RELiC/ Stormwatch]:\ .| / .| / .| / .| | |:|\__/|:[ANDMORE!MORE!MORE!!!]::\____|____/_________/_________/____|____/| |:| UU |-[ call it fool ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ yt rools ]::::::::::| `-`----'---------------(T)-(W)-(I)-(N)-(G)-(L)-(E)-(S)-----------------------' .--------+ | __ | /\__/\ | | >>-'___/ \ `--w-e--g-o-t-z--d-a--p-h-u-n-k--p-u-n-k---(_-OO-_)----<>-+. ]----\______l *yer*beauty*makes*me*feel*alone***********-|-oo-|eYE| | wREKS| | Oo |-***********i*look*inside*but*no*one's*home*| __ |lIK| | oN dA`-+ +-------------------------.*is*it*loneliness*| `' | ]-+-------<< v eFEX |`--'|%%%%%%::mAIN!mENU::%%%%%%`------+-----------`----'---' `--. `----+ `----' +------------------------------' "i lUVrMS sHIT, i dO!" | `--------' ^ __/\____________/\____/\______/\ __/\_____________________/\_____.----. \___ ___/ _ \\_____/ _ \\ \___ ___/ ________ _ \ .| |_ _/ \_/ \_ | \_ \_ .| \\_ _/ \_/ \_ _)_ .| .| \_ :| _/ \_ .| _/ ._ _/ _/ :| _/ \_ .| _/ :| :| _/ .| .| | .| :| .| :| .| | :| | .| :| | | :| | .| l____| .|___| .|____|___| .| l____| .|___ |___| .|___ | =+tZ^l____j===l____j========l____j========l____j===l____j===l____j===l____j= _/\_ ( oo ) ____________________ ___ -----/\--------------------------------------' iS dEATh tHe nMe `-/\ \--- // \ dIemOTHERFUCKEr!!! wHywONtyOudIe!?! hAHAHAHAa!!!! / \__\ ---// \\----------------------------+ ^^sEEDs^o^dESTRUCTIOn^^ \ / / / \]kTS%100%pH00Nk%bYE%tEEzEE[`----------------------------\/__/----- `------' . . . . . . . . . . . . | :_____:_____:_____:_____:_____: -------------- : ________ :___ :___ | ____) |SEEDS OF (____ | _/__| _/__| | |____ | |DESTRUCTION | | | | ___) ___) | | | | |+1^413^$$$^$$$$ | | l | l | l | l | l | |ZYZ: PHASER-X | :___ |___ |___ |___ |___ | KTS!AWZ-KEY US.EHQ| : \__: \__: \__: \__| \__: ------------- : : : : : : | . . . . . . o' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . . :_____:_____:_____:_____:_____:__| |_____:_____:___:_____:_____: (___ |___ : _____ _ | _ | | | _ | _ | |___ | _ | | | | _/__|____ | | | | | | | | | | |___; | | | | | | | ___) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | l | l |__| | |__| | | | |__| | | | | | | |___ |___ |___ | | | | | | | l | | | | l | | | : \__| \__: \__: |__|__| :___ |___ | |__:___:___ |__| | :+tZ^!:-c0!l:ikefo:nt . : \__: \__: . . \__: l__: . . . . . . . . . . . . | \ / - -- --- ------ -------- ---------- ------- - ----- ------\/------- | aYEwANNA bE aNN-aRE-kEE! aNARCHY iNtHE uK! /\ oN-aNI | < mIGHTaNARCHYbE tHEnME!?! > / \ .nFO - -- ----------+-------------- -------- -------+--------/---------- | `----->> oN-aNI nPHO pHORM <<---' / \ _/\__________/\___________/\___________/\___________/\______ \ ____ \_ _____ \_ _____ \_ _____ \_ ___/ /\/ | \/ | \/ :| \/ :| \___/ \ _// | \\_ :| \\_ ._ \\_ .| \\_ \\_ \ | / .| / :| / | / / +-----\\ | // .| // .| // .| // //----+ |+tZ!::\\ _________/_____|____ //_____|____ //_____|____ //_____ //:+tZ!| +=========\/====================\/===========\/===========\/=soft=\/========+ |:TITLE::::[:]:[ Title of Game ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:COMPANY::[:]:[ Company ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:DATE:::::[:]:[ Date ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:OS:::::::[:]:MS-DOS:[ ]:MS-WINDOWS:[ ]:OS/2:[ ]:UNIX:[ ]::::::::::::::| |:RAITING::[:]:[.....XXXXX]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:SUPPLIER:[:]:[ Supplier ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:PACKAGER:[:]:[ Packager ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |:RELEASE:COMMENTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |:[ NOFRONTS, NO TRICKS, NOSOAPBOXPOLITICS, NOGUNS, JUSTBLUNTS ]:| |:[ WEKICKTHISJUSTFORFUN!!! ]:| +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |[MEMBERLIST]:::::::::::::::::::|:[GREETS]:[ KoLA :ToconT:tinyz ]:| |:[ PRESIDENT ]:[ JuZeK ]::|::::::::::[ Tracker : McKRiSS ]:| |:::[ SENIORS ]:[ CyberKRiST ]::|::::::::::[ SCoREK :UC:Darek ]:| |:::::::::::::::[ EUNi ]::|::::::::::[ Easy Rider :Sonii ]:| |:::::::::::::::[ PJoNST ]::|::::::::::[ BuLLthESar ]:| |:::[ MEMBERS]:[ ARAB ]::|::::::::::[ ]:| |:::::::::::::::[ o.KoLBE ]::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::[ MANiEK ]::|::[FUCKS]:[ TPSA :i-net feds ]:| |:::::::::::::::[ PACKA ]::|::::::::::[ wiktor : mirek ]:| |:::::::::::::::[ DiRTYBALAS ]::|::::::::::[ pentax ]:| |:::::::::::::::[ PJoTRo ]::|::::::::::[ ]:| |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +---[ WEAREACCEPTINGNEWMEMBERS-+----------------------------------------+ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:[ Piekarnia ]:[ WHQ ]:[ Euni ]:[ +48-2-PRI-VATE ]:| |:[ Are You Sure? ]:[ Distro ]:[ ToconT ]:[ +48-2-669-4004 ]:| |:[ New Hope ]:[ Distro ]:[ Tracker ]:[ +48-2-614-7374 ]:| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |:::[ If you use this shit, get up off your fat ass and go buy it! ]:::| `-----------------------------------------------------------------------' | - -- --- ------ -------- ---------- ------- - ----- -------- -\----/ - "eYE | dOwEnEEDtOfEARtHEnME? iStHE nME a tHREAT? .-\oo/-. wEEP 4 | =[ sO wHOiStHE nME!?!? ]= | .\/. | dA nME" - -- ----------+-------------- -------- -------+----- -------| | | | | `---->> kATHARSIS!lYRICS <<-----' `-|..`-' |_||_| ______ . . | / ___________ : : _____ _______ . : __| //__\__ \_ _)_______| |__\__ \__\__ /_______ : |______ / | // | | _______ | :| | | _/ / ____/__|---| ____/__ // _/_ _ :| | .| _ .| _ :| \ \ ____ \ | ____ \ \___| \___| .|___ :|___| .|___| .|___\ \\_/_ \\__|_/_ \\ | \\ |____| \_____| |____| |____| \____\ \______\+tZ^ \______\ |______\ . . ________ |: | _______. : ________ \_ _/___|. |_______\__ /: |__\ _ /______ |: | \___ | ._/ _/ /\|---|: ____ // ____/__ |. | .| \___ :| \ \\ |. \/\_ ____ \ |____ :| ____|____\\ \__|____ :|_/_ \\ \_____|___/ \_____\ \_____| \______\ _____\/_____ | |.----------.| - -- --- ------ -------- ---------- ------- - ----- --- -||kTSnEWS - ||- -- - |RSEiSdA nME! rEMORSE iSdAnME! rEMORSE iS d||tV r00lZ || .. |EMORSE<<< aS iF yOU cOULDN'TgUESS >>>EMORSE || yUPyUPyUP|| \/ - - -- ----------+-------------- -------- -------+------- -|`----------'|-- - | `----->> nOK #2 iNTERpHACE <<---' `/_/------\_\' ============================================================================== _____/\ .--wERD-mOFO-mENU-wERD--. _____\ \\_ | aRETYKLES | \____________/ this is cool and shit | aNSEES | i | O o | / huh, huh, huh | rEWJ00S | s l_ .. _l / | sTUPH | U ___| __ |_______ __ | qWEET | C _/ `-UU-' _. |__) wEWP `-----------------------' K |. .|__ | nOKTURNAl tOo | . _ | `--+ mORe bOUNCe tA dA oUNZe |: |tS!aSC| ^ hALF | . | | i'M sO bORED +----+......| nMEnMEoNiRC `----' | ._____ __________________| /________ ___ ___ ______ __________________ +-'___ _____ _ | / _ _ | | |_\_ / +-'___ _____ _ |----. | | | | | _ _/_ | | | | | _/ _/--| | | | | | | | | | l | | \| | | l | \ | | | _ | l | l___l l___ l___l \___l---+___ l__\ |___l l___l l____ l +tZ^`---'%%%`---'%%%`------'%%%%%%%%%%`---'%%%\____|%%%`---'%%%`---'%%%`----' ============================================================================== ___ .-s-p-a-r-r-r-0-0-l-z------z-l-0-0-r-r-r-a-p-s-. ___ /\ \--+' ] i laid all them busters down, let my [ `+--/ /\ //\\__\ `---] gatt explode, now i'm switchin' my [---' /__//\\ \\// / ] asciis back into freak mode... [ \ \\// \/__/---. > and so dies the nme < .---\__\/ `---fREAKmODE-------' .______ | / ______/\___/\_____/\_ ____/\ ___| /____________________/\_____/\_ \_ _____/__ \\_ ____/__\___ \\_ | //_\_ _/_ _ \_____\\ ____/_ | _) /___/ _) \_ | / _ _/\_ \_/ \_ | _/ / \\ _) \_ | | _ \_ _ _/ _ \_ | .| | _/ | | / \_ _ _/ | |____| _/__| |___| _/_| :|___| .|______|___ /_| .| | .| | :| | | | | | .| | :| /_ _/ | :| | .: | : : .: | : | : | : | :| : .: : . : . . : . : . : . : .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ////--------------------------------------------------<<< \\\ o-tay eyem done wit da nme \\\ /// vEKTOR /// >>>--------------------------------------------------\\\\ __________ _______ \_ / _______|. _/_____________| //_____________________________________ \_. |: | ___________ | //_ :| _ ______ /_ |: |: | _)_ .| _ _/ \ | | .| | .| _/ __/ \_ _|. |. |_ :| | \\__l l______l | :|_ |. .| \_____________/__ .|___| \\________l \_____________/__|: :| >>---------------\________|-|____________/-------------------------|________|< [| vEKTOR | +1-602-892-6379 | nUP: hARDfOLK | 1.2 GB oF dOPE sTUPH | oBV/2 |] [| pHANTAZMA rUNS tHIS dAMN tHING | sCREW tHE oTHER sTATS | aS iF i cARE! |] ////--///+tZ^kTS\\\-------------------------------------->>sHOKY%G-lyKE<<-\\\\ . - - - -- --- ---- ----- ---w-e-r-o-l-l-. | the sanctuary - everyone knows this board, it's like one | | of the best known boards of all time... | `-e-y-e-r-o-k--- ----- ---- --- -- - - - ' . ////\_______/\______/\__________/\________/\__ _____/\_________/\_____|_/\_ _/ ___________ _/ _ _/ _____/__ ___/ | ______ _______ \_ | _//// \\______ \ | \ | \ | \/ \ | \ | \ _____/_____ \-- _/ / \\_ _ \\_ | \\_ \\_ \\_ | \\_ _ \\_ _ \_ / \\_ \_____ /_| /_| /__ /__ /__ /_| /__/ /__ / .-===\_____/==\____/==\____/==\____/==\____/==\____/==\____/==\____/==\____//// | _/\/\_ this fine board happens to be the ice world headquarters. | | (_ xx _) run by one of the masters of ansi art, thempus tales, it | | |\__/|-[ the sanctuary - it's everywhere you wanna be ] encompases one of | | | U' | the best user and message bases around. numerous nets, as well as | | `----' a selective file base, make this one of the best boards there is. | `////===l=a=d=i=+=d=a=d=i===w=e===l=i=k=e===t=o===p=a=r=t=y=(+tZ^kTS)====\\\\' . . : - -- --- --------- --- -- - : --------+---------> synergy <---------+-------- : - -- --------------------------------- -- - : . . ________/\___.______/\.__________ _______/\_______ _ ___._____ --+tZ^-[\ _____ \ | / \\ / ___/_______ \\_ ___/__ | /]------- _/\____ \ //____ /\_ \ \ _) \ / / \_ \_____ /\_ \ | \/\ / / \ \\_ \\ . __/\ \\ / / \___ // ____/__|\ /___ /__| \\___ // ___/ ==========[\_____/\____/]=====[\___/]=[\___/]=[|_____/][\___/\____/]========== < stats and other shit here > < stats and other shit here > ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if i wasn't so tired i'd put some snazzy divider right here and it would be cool and shit. but i am that tired, so fuck it. at least there's a quote. =) "stoopid fuckers like you should ride the bus" senor sparr / kts!ascii senior ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________ =///=/ ___/____ /____ /_ /___ _/ \_ / /_ / _ / / /=///= \____ /\___/ \__/ \___/ \ .--------------------/ \\/ \\// \\/ \\------------------. | // \\ \\ \\ \\ | | _________________________________________ | | \ / ____ /_ / /_ ____/_ _ /_ ____/_ | | _/ / _ / / / _) / / / _ /=///== | | ==\\\=\__/ /\__/ \___ /\___ /\__/ /\__/ /\ | | // \\// \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\ | | / \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ | | | `----[ THE GRAY HAVENS ] [ UNION MEMBERBOARD ] [ 817-YOU-HOEZ ]----' PIMP: [ NEUROPSYCHOSIS / UNION ] ______ \ __ /---------------------------------------------|----------------|--/\-+tZ^ \\// when you start set trippin', yer ass is mine | sUPER oF kEW | / \ --\/-----------------------------------------------| III |/____\--- `----------------' /\___________._/\ _____/\____/\_ _____/\ .--------------------. _/ ______ / | \\_/ __ \\_ ___/__/ __ \\_ -<[ sUPER oF kEW iII -<[ \_______ \/\ | \ _ / / _/ \ _ / / -<[ <<310-WHA-CKED>> -<[ _/ / \\_ | \\_ \____/ \\_ \____/\_ -<[ kTS!aSKEE mEMBA! -<[ \_____ /__ /_ \____ /___, / -<[ zYZED bY pOSK -<[ <+----\_____ //--\___ //--\___ /--\___ //---\__ //>> -<[ fUCK tHE oTHER -<[ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ -<[ sTATS! wEWP!!! -<[ _____ oPH `--------------------' _/\__| /___/\_ /\__ ___ _/\_____ \_ | // ___/_// | \ \______ \_ / _ _/_ _/ \ | \\ / (_ _/ _// | \ \\_ / \ \\_ _// \_ \______| \\__ /__ / \ _____/ <<------|____ /\___ //---\___ //>> <<\\ __/---->> \/ \/ \/ \/ ___ | | /\ \ | | ------ ----- ------|-----------------------------_/ \__\_---------|- | tERMITE tERRACE | this logo rocks my balls \ / / | tINYZ | -|-- ---- ----------------------------------------\ / /--|----------- | | \/__/ | | __________________________________ ______________________________ _/ \_ _______ _ \_ | \_____ _ \_ ________) \_____| _/ _) | |_____/ \_/ _/ |____| _/ _) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------| | ! | |----| | | |----| | ! |---- ========|____|___ |____|====|____| |____|====|____|___ |==== -----------------\_____|--------------!____|------------------\_____|---- ______________________________________________________________________ _/ \_ ________ _ \_ _ \_ ______ ________ ________) \_____| _/ _) | |_____/ |_____/ | | | | _) | | | | | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------| | ! | |----| |----| | | ! | ! |- ======|____|___ |____|+tZ^|____|====|____| |___ |___ |= ---------------\_____|------------------------!____|---\_____|---\_____|- TERMITE TERRACE - ICE MEMBER BOARD - +1-xxx-xxx-xxxx - SYSOP: TOON GOON ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________ | | \ _ _ /\ _ _ /| | -|--- -- ---------------------------------------\\ ///\\\ //-|---------- | ModemLand[tm] | i did this one in my sleep \ / \ / | tINYZ | -- - --- -- -----|--------------------------------\\// \\//-----------|-- | | \/`------'\/ | | _____ _______________________________ _ _____ _____ \ | / _ /_____ / ___/___ | / actually, this board / \_/ \ | \ | \ _) \ \_/ \ changes affils faster _// | \\ | \\_ | \\ | \\_ | \\ than i can type em in \______| \\_________/__ \\_________/__| \\_ so pttthtttthhhhh!! -------|_______/----------\________/-----------|_______/-+tZ^----------------- ModemLand[tm] ! Hiro Protagonist _____ _ ________________ ______________ +1-306-652-4359 ! Quad-P WHQ \ |__________ / \ /______ / DAB WHQ - Remorse Member - XTCNet / | \ | \ \ | \ KLF Dist Site - Skavid Dist Site _// | \\_ _ \\ \ \\ | \\ Enmity Dist Site - SkavidNET \______ /__| \\__| \\___ \\_ ----------------------------------------\_____/---|_______/-|______/-\_______/ | | ---------------+tZ^----------------------------------|- --- -- - - | Skitzo | - - -- --- -|---------------------------------------------------- | | ______ ////\__________| /________________________________/\\\\ _/ _____ / | //__________ ____________ \______ \ \_______\/\ _ _/_ \_ \_ _______/ | \\_ _/ | \\_ | \ / / | \_ | / -\______ /_| \\____/________/ ______/________/-- -------\_____/--|_______/-[+tZ^]-----\_____/----------------- ___________ ______________ some ===============\________ \_________________ /================ fo' _/ _// \\_____ \_ _____/\ funky ---------------\ \/ \_ \____/ | \\_-------------- your \___ /__ \___ / ass ==========+tZ^======\_____ //==\_____ /=\____ //=============== system \/ \/ \/ ______ -0 .-------------------|------ ___/\_/ _ /__/\________| :| 1 | Kult of Valgamon | tINYZ | w \_ / // _____/ | .| -2 ------------------|-------' 0_/ / // \/ \_ :| .\_------- 3 0\_. _ /\ _/ .| _/Kult of-4 p |: \ / \\_ :| .| |Valgamon 5 +|____\ /__ .|_ | _;+--------6 +++tZ^+\ /+++\____;+\_____/+++ 7 \\// -8 \/ 9 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ___ ________________ _______ -0 .-------------------|------ _/ :|_____/ _______/ \_/ \_ 1 | Lemmings | tINYZ | | .| | _) :| \_/ .| \_/ |-2 ------------------|-------' | .| | .| | :| | :| 3 | l | .| | .| | .|-4 |_________l________l____| .|____| .| 5 -[LEMMINGS]-------------l____l+tZ^l____l-6 ] lemmings presents: bitches and hoes [ 7 ] the oj simpson saga =D [-8 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ___ _____________________ __ ____ -0 .-------------------|------ \ | \ __ \_ __) __ \_ \| )\__ \ 1 | Legend | tINYZ | / |__/ _)__/ (_ \ _)__/ \ \/ \ \ -2 ------------------|-------' // | \ \ \\ \ \ \\ _)\\ 3 \__ | \\_ \\_ \\_ \\_|\ \\_ \-4 \____/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ 5 +tZ!---[%:%] The Will of God [%:%]--- -- -6 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 __/\|_________.__/\_____/\_ -0 .-------------------|------ _/ \ \_ | \_ ____/_ kTS!aSK 1 | tHE nME | tINYZ | \_. \ ._/ \_/ ._/ _)_ \_ cOLLY -2 ------------------|-------' |: \ :| | :| .| #17 3 l____| .|____| .|____ :| `tHE -4 ::[===l____l+tZ^l____l===\_____l: nME' 5 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ___/\___________/\_______/\_____/\____ 1 -0 .-------------------|------ \____ / ________ / _________ / 9 1 | Razor 1911 | tINYZ | +|:_/ _/_ | :|. ___/\ \/ .| _/ _/_ 1 -2 ------------------|-------' t|. \ _ .|: | \\ :| \1 3 Z|_| \\| .|. ____\_ .|_| \\ -4 ^==`-------`---+----'====`----'=`------- 5 =[RAZOR 1911]==================[00/00]== -6 =] [= 7 =] [= -8 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ____| :|_____/\__/\____/\________/\_ -0 .-------------------|------ --\ | .| _ /____/ ____/ _ /-- 1 | Union | tINYZ | _/ :| .| .| \_ \_ \/ \_ .| \_ -2 ------------------|-------' -\_ .| | :| _/ _/ ._/ :| _/- 3 -| .| | .| .| :| :| .| .|- -4 -|_ | _;___| :|____l__ .|___| :|- 5 ---\___/-----|___l-+tZ^--\___l---l___l- -6 -] [- 7 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 a zine for .____ _______ or those-0 .-------------------|------ short ____| \_/ ___/___ wit lil' 1 | Undergrown #5 | tINYZ | people _/ .| .| | ._) jimmys-2 ------------------|-------' | :| :|_____ :| 3 uNDER | .| .|. \_ .| gROWN -4 _| .| .|: .|_ 5 \_______ _. ______/ -6 fIVE ---\\\\\`-+tZ^+^Zt+-'////--- FIVe 7 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 i luv _____/\ ___/\_ ____:____ i luv- 1 .-------------------|------ dis' _\___ \_\ ___/___\_ | _/_ dis' -2 | Psychosis #8 | tINYZ | zine/ / \\______ \________ \zine 3 ------------------|-------' _// \_______/ / \\_ \/ \\_ -4 \__ \_ \____ / _____/ 5 ====\______/=====\______/\_____/=+tZ^== -6 =] pYCHOSIS aTE % hOhOhO! aN aLL dAT [= 7 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 +___________________________ ____ -0 .-------------------|------ t\ ___/ ______ _ / ____ __/____/ __/_ 1 | Genesis | tINYZ | Z/ \_ \ _) \ | \ _) \____ \_______ \ -2 ------------------|-------' ^___ \\__ \\_| \ \\_ | \_ \_ | \_ 3 ===\____/\____/|___/\____/\____/__/\____/-4 =] sOME rEALLY hOT wARE lIKE dAT ]01|01[= 5 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 _______ ______ _____ -0 .-------------------|------ ------\_____ \_\___ \_/ ___/__------- 1 | DOS | tINYZ | ======/ / \\ | \\______ \====== -2 ------------------|-------' +tZ!/// / \ | \\ / \\[dOS] 3 =====\____ //_______/________/===== -4 ---------\____/ dOS xx/9x pACK ------- 5 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ////\_______ _________ ____________/\\\\ -0 _/ ______ | /___/ | / ________ \_ 1 .-------------------|------ \____ \_ _ \_ \_ | \_ _) \_ | __/ -2 | Shiver | tINYZ | _/ | / | / / | / | / _ \_ 3 ------------------|-------' \ ___/__|__/___/_____/_____/__| /-4 =\____/=========================-=|____/= 5 == THE SHIVER NEW YEAR PACK - HOHOHO! ==-6 |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 | | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ok, ascii kiddies, that's all the work i have this time... anyway, | | a few words about the pack itself. this pack is 2x bigger than the | | previous kts!ask pack and is at least five times as phat... kts | | is now bigger than i ever planned, hell, ever expected, it to be | | so now comes the time to make a difficult decision. kts is, as of | | this pack release, imposing a joining freeze. at that time, all | | members will be reviewed and some may be asked to leave. we will, | | of course, make exceptions. but unless you think that your shit | | will just blow me the fuck away, then don't bother applying. i | | have decided to leave ONE invitation, to pMk, standing, all others | | are declared null and void. so... that's how life goes. this pack | | cost me a lot of time (and about $20 on fone calls) but i think | | that all in all, it was worth it, and i hope that it gets more | | people interested in ascii and helps in establishing ascii as a | | PC scene artform. | | also, remember to catch the next colly, titled "the days of way | | back". | | | | - tINYZ - | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------|---- | | /\______________________________________________/\_______ _/ ______/ _ \_ ________ ________ _ \_ _____/_ \_ \_ \_ .|____/ _) .| _) .|____|. _/_____ \_ .----| | _/ :|---| | :| | :|----|: | .| _/---. | | ! :| .| | ! .| ! .| |. | :| .| | | |____ .|____| |____ .|____ .| |____|____ ! :| | +=========\____|=============\____|====\____|=+tZ^=========\____|====+ | | | rOTUNDLY pHAT gREASY fIRST nAME gREETS gO tO | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Brian [408] Jay [413] Dan & Aaron [512&606] Matt [616] Matt [817] | | Brett [305] Josh [616] David [418] Christian [412] Juhho [+358] | | Toumas [310] Brian [508/603], Matt [514], Matt [704], Kola [+48] | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | cOOLIO mOFO gREETS gO tO | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Venom . Raistlin . ToconT. Argon . 41 . Redd . pEEWEE . Cooly | | Animal . Neurotic . Floodmyth . TS . Qu'ran . Jaberwocky . nECR0 | | Winter Rose . Anarchy . Sober . Deeply Disturbed . Cardiac Arrest | | ( the rest o' you eye either forgot or you can blow me ) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | a bIG pHAT dISS gOES oUT tO tHESE lOSERS | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | . op kiddies . tpsa . syntax error . major bbs chatlink kiddies . | | | `-a-c-t---l-i-k-e---y-o-u---k-n-o-w---m-o-t-h-e-r-f-u-c-k-e-r---+tZ^-' and next up is __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ ________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ / / / / / / / / \ / / / / / / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /_/ / /______/ / / / / \ / \ /_/ / / / / \ / . . . pretty fucking cool, eh? __ _ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : ascii. de-purposed - -- ----------------------------------o----o-o+ _________ ______ ____ \_ _ |_____|_ |____| |_ | |_ | _ |_ |_ _/ ____ ___ | || | _|___||___|| |_ | __________ .: \/ | | || | || | | || | | .. ''_______| | |~ | || | | || | |____/\____:' | __ | || | | || | __ ___| ||__| |~ |____| ~| | sP' \__\______| | ______| /______ |___ __ |__| |_____/__/ __ _ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : this is the best ascii in the whole fucking colly - -- ----------o----o-o+ (and besides i like the band) /\ | | /\__ | | _ | | \ | | / | / | \ | | / | | |\ \ | | / / / | | \ \| |/ / / / | | \ / <-----------w--eee-wp | | / \ \ / \ | | / /| |\ \ / \ | |/ / | | \ \ - -- -------------/-----------------> | / | | \ | | / / | |_/ | | \_| |/_ / \/ | | '~ | | whoa \/ __ _ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : badlands ascii for soultaker - -- -------------------------------o----o-o+ : ______ __ _____ __ ______ | ______ ______ \ __//_/ / | __//_/ / \ /___ |\ \ _/ \ /_ _____/ \ ___ ______ ___/\ | \_________/ | \| \ / / / __ \_/_ / / \ /__\__ \ | |\ / ______\ _ __/ /__/ \/ / / / / __ / \| |/ __\____ /_\ \\\ __ / / / _/__/ \/ / | | __ /____ / / . . / \/ / _ / __ / \ / / /\ | \/ / _// / :: / /___\ / \/ \ / / _ / / \ | ______ \/ / ::. : \___ / /____\ _____| / /___\ ______\ | ____\ / ____\ ::s ::. /____\ :. /____\ \___ / /____\ |___| /______\ .:.P .:::. .::::. .::. /____\ :. .::::::. .:::. .::::: . . :. . :: :. . . . __ _ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : and, well, that's about it. - -- -------- -----------------------o----o-o+ i say hello. ftj. tinyz. ranx. jak. slothy. reflex. cooly. edge. animal. cardiac arrest. nik. ts. shock-g. phaser-x. jaz. redd. lumen. trey-a. maxim. drd. delsion. basehead. ice devil. chuck biscuits. poskgubbe. mca. later everyone. ߲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۰ 33 ۱ ۰ ۲ ۰ ۰ ߲߱ ۲ ۲ ۲ܱ ߲߲ ۱ܲܲ ߱ ۲߲۱ ۲۰ ۰ ܲ߰ ܰ ߰ ߰۰ ܰ ߰۲ ܰ ܰ߰ ۲ ܰ ݰ ۲ ۰ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ۰ ߰ ۰ ܰ۰ ( e e r i e ) ( k t s ! a ) "if at first you dont succeed.. read again" blah blah, this is my first appearance in the kts!a pack cuz last month i couldnt get my asciis to da man tinyz. thats why i have some old stuff in this colly. but like who cares, its all goodies. so hm well for those who dont know me my name is eerie and i am in two art groups (relic and mistigris) respectively as an ansi and vga artist. i am also in that mofo group kts!a cuz tinyz seem to like my shit dont ask why tho.. so lemme introduce ya to da finest.. HI-ASCII! ܲ ܲ [ ][ ] [kAY][tEE][eSS][ ! ][hAY] ڲ---- - - - - ------------ | b O A R D a D V E R T I S E M E N T S | --------- --- - - - - - ----- that one is for deeply and red leader. by the way ss is now acid northern agora or something so thats cool. ܲ ܲ ܲܲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ߲߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ۲ܲܲܲ ܲ ߲ ܲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ܲ۲ ۲ ۲߲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ߲ܲ ۲ (33) ۲ ܲ ܲ kts!a i mean, why does this board needs any more publicity? everyone knows it! every decent artist is calling suicidal shrimp! (hey, i even have an account there.. isn't that incredibly wonderful?) s u i c i d a l s h r i m p 1 ( 5 1 4 ) a s k - d e e p site of so many groups and mags even the sysops stopped counting it =) that one is for those really cool dudes magellan and fade (i dunno nemesis so.. =) and well thats neat i think 33kts!aw00w00leet ߲ ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ܲ ۲۲۲۲ ۲۲ ߲ ߲۲ ۲߲ ߲ ۲߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲߲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܲܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲߲ ۲۲ ۲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲߲ ߲ ߲ ߲߲߲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ {e}{N} !e! !N! !E! !M! !Y! !u! !N! !K! !N! !O! !W! !N! {u}{N} {e}{N} fO oNE fIVE fO fIVE nINE o tWO sIX tWO {u}{N} {e}{N} sTAPH - mAGELLAN - fADE - nEMESIS {u}{N} {e}{N} [!] sTORM wHQ [!] lEPER sOCIETY wESTHQ [!] aWOL wESTHQ [!] {u}{N} {e}{N} [!] fIRE dISTRO [!] rIGID dISTRO [!] vISUAL pOLLUTION mEMBAH [!] {u}{N} {e}{N} [!] bLACKnET [!] bLITZmAIL [!] aMPnET [!] tWINGLEnET(c)! [!] {u}{N} {e}{N} [!] mRInET [!] pFAnET [!] uHFnET [!] cRIMSONnET [!] {u}{N} {e}{N} [!] cIPnET [!] aAAnEt [!] aBTnET [!] {u}{N} that one is.. like.. some kind of pMk-styled ascii with hi-characters. well it was just some trip. board is not up yet but when it will be it will kill yo mom's ass guaranteed ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ tOO^rAD^fOR^j00 ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ mEGA^f00 ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܲ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ܲܲ ܲ ܲ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ mYRIAD ߲ ۲ ܲ۲ ۲ sYNERGY! ߲ ۲ ۲ w00p!w00p oPERATOR^dA^mAN^jAYdEE^rELIQUE w00p!w00p cOd00D^kRYSTALL^pASTEQUE ܲܲ ܲ gl0p!gl0p uSER^eERIE^aND^zUM^oTHERZ ۲ ۲ aND^sTUPH aSTEK^wORLD^dUMP ߲ ߲ ߲ lIKE^dAT! zUM^oTHERS^eLITE^aS^fUQ^aFFILZ!^pHUN^fOR^dA^wHOLE^fAMILY!! ܲ fOUR^oNE^eIGHT^tWO^eIGHT^fIVE^fOUR^eIGHT^tHREE^eIGHT a^bOARD^wITH^a^mAJOR^fUCKUP^cALL^iT^oR^bE^sTUCKUP!! 33^KTS!A ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ a low ascii! eliiiiiiite! this is for plush's ultra-secret wArEz board euphoria _____________ ____________ ________________________ _________ ____________ ______ ~-. ______ ~-. ~-.________. _._.-~ _______ __._.-~ |_______ __ _._.-~ _______ __._ _ : .-~ ____.-~ : .-~ _________: ~ ____.-~ : .-~ ____. _| ~-._ _| ~-._ _| ~-._ _| ~-. \________________.-~\________________.-~\________________.-~\_______________. _____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ___ ______ ~-. ______ ~-. _______~-. ______ ~-. _._.-~ ._.-~ _ __._.-~ __._.-~ _ : .-~ ____.-~ : .-~ ____.-~ _: ____.-~ _: .-~ ____. _| ~-._ _| ~-._ _| ~-._ _| ~-. \________________.-~\_______________.-~\________________.-~\________________. ttk!a 33 e U P H O R I A that one is just a small logo for my board sarcastic toaster so call it 418 849 0121.. its a very very wicked board ߲߲ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲۲ ߲ܲ ۱۲۲۰ ߰ ߰ ۰ܲ ۲߰ ۰ ߲߲ ߲ ݰ ܲ ߲۰ ܲ ߲۲߰ ۰ ߲ ݰ ݰ޲ ߲۱߰ ߲߲߰ ߲߰ ߰33_kts!a csi.. what's csi? i dunno.. who cares?!?! ܲ۲۲ܲ ܲ۲ ߲ ߲ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ޲ ޲ ۲߲ ۲߲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ܲܲ ܲ 33 ܲ ܲ ߲ܲ ܲ ߲ܲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ߱ this one too has a rad setup and its one of the last boards i know that still run on telegard! =) call that one too cuz nitty is a real kind sysop and stuff, and its the mist whq so.... ۲ ܲ ۲ kts!arelmist ۲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲۲ ܲ۲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲۲۲۲۲ ۲ ߲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ܲܲܲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ܲ ܲ t h e s c r e a m i n g t o m a t o lost somewhere in good ole 604 mistigris world headquarters - sysops: nitnatsnoc/cthulu this was for that mofo posk.. ۰ ܰ ߲ ߲߲ ߲߲߲ 33 ۰ ܲܲ ܲ ܲܲ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۲߰ ۰ ۰۰ ۰ ۰۰ ۲߲߰ ߲߰߰ ۰۰ ۰۲ ۲۰ ߰۰ ۲ ۲ ܰ ۲۰ ܰ ۰۰۰ ߰ ۰ ۰ܰ ۰ ۲۲ܰ ܱ ߲ ۲߰ ۰ ۰ ܱ ۱߲ ۲۲۰۰ ۲ ܲ۰ ߲۲߲ܲ ߰۲߲߰ ߲ ۱߰ ܰ ۲ ܰ ߲ ߰ ߰ ܲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ۰ ߲۲ ۰߲ܰ ۰ ܰܲ ۰ ߲߰ܰ ܰܲ ߰ ܲ ܰ ߰ܲ ܰܲ۰ ܲ ܰܲ ܲܰܲ۰ܰܰ ߰߰۰ ߰ ߰ ߲߰ ߰ ۲ ۲߲۱ ۲ ۱ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲߲۰ ۱ ۰ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ [ - w - A - R - E - Z - S - H - I - R - E - ] [ sYMPTOM uSHQ ] [ oRANGE uSHQ ] [ l4MM4S wHQ ] [ iCE mEMBAH ] [ kTS!a mEMBAH ] [ oPS - pOSKGUBBE ] well this is not a board advertisement but who cares? ܲ rMFC - rAD mAN fAN cLUB!! aPPLY nOW bY cALLING oN dA wHQ ۲ sARCASTIC tOASTAH 418 849 0121 ܲ ߲۲ ۲ܲ eERIE - kTS!A/rMFC ۲ ۲߲ ۲ ۲ ܲ 33 ߲ ܲ ܲ ߲ ߲ this is for fade's board.. network 23. and its the last board ad for this month.. eh. ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ܲܲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ܲ ۲ ߲߲ ۲ ܲ۲ ߲۲ ۲ ۲ 33kts!a ߲߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ &#- n E T W O R K t W E N T Y t H R 3 3 -#& ܲ ܲ [ ][ ] [kAY][tEE][eSS][ ! ][hAY] ڲ---- - - - - ------------ | f I L E _ i D . d I Z E S | --------- --- - - - - - ----- . ܲ ܲܲܲܰ . ܲ ܲkts [ a c e e z i n e # 1 3 ] ߲ݲ ۲۲ݰ۲ ۲ ߲ܲ۰߲޲ܲ ۰߲ ܲ߰ ܲ۰۲۲ ܲ .۲߲ ۲ ۲!a ߲ ߲߲߲߲߰߰߰ ߲߰߰33 . ace issue 13 . the new music emag . ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܰ ߲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ݰ STRUNG OUT - LAG WAGON - SONIC YOUTH ް so much cool stuff you won't believe it! ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲߲ ߲ [NOFX intaview] [REM] [Screeching Weasel] [ a c e e z i n e # 1 4 ] __ ______ ______ _____ _______ ______________ _| _ |_ __| __ _________ _ _______ ___ |______ _______ _______ __ 33ktsa| | | | | | [ACE] [ish fourteen] [the nu music ezine] ߲ i n s o m n i a emag issue one ߲ [ i n s o m n i a # 1 ] ܲ ܲ ߲ܲ ߲ ߲ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ߲߲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ܲܲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲߲ 33 ߲߲ ۰߲۰ [ s i n i s t e r ] ܲܰ s I N I S T E R ߰ܰ߰ qWK mAIL rEADAH ߲ܰ ܲ vER x.x ۰ ۰۰۲ ܲ۰ ߰ ۰۰ [gET] ߲ܲݰ ۲ [dIZ]ܰ _33 ۲ ܲ ߲߲߰ ߲߲߰ ߲۰ { fEATUREZ } ߲EATUREZ } ۰ ۰ - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! ߰ - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! ߰ ۰ - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! ۰ - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! ܰ - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! ۰ - bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! bLAH! ܲ ܲ ܲ۰ ߲ [ r e l i c 1 1 / 9 4 ] ۲ ߲۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ relic studios presents: the november 1994 pack ۲ ܲ ܲ ߲۲ ߲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ߲۲ܲܲ ߲ checkout next month: full-coloured 50x160 diz! (err.. nah) diz by the almighty eerie [relic] ܲ ܲ [ ][ ] [kAY][tEE][eSS][ ! ][hAY] ڲ---- - - - - ------------ | k T S ! A u N U S E F U L l O G O S | --------- --- - - - - - ----- well here are some kts logos i did. first one is not extraordinary but bah.. i'm trying my hand on low-ascii so cut me some slack.. __________| ________________|___________| |__ _ _|__| ___ _ __ |_ _ __ |_ | | |: _| ||:_| |:____| |. . __/| . |__\___ . \ _|: _ : \: |_: _|: | |.:______|.:________|_____|:____.:______| ': ': ': ': ': _33 (bah.. sucks less than remorse at least =) ߲ ۲ ߲ܲ ߲ܲ ܱ ۲ ܲ ߲ܲ ߲ ܱܲܲ ۲ ۲߲ܲ ܲ۲ ۲ ۲۲۲۲ ۲ ۲ܱ ۲߲۲۲ ۲ ۲߲ ܲ ۲ܲܲ۲ ߲ ۱۲޲۲ݰ۲ܲܲ۲ܱ ܱ ܲ۲ ۰۲۲۲۲ ܲ ۲߲߲۲۲ ۲۲ ܱܰ ߲ ߲߲ ܲܲ 33 ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲ܲ ߲ ߲ .. | .. +(kAY)(tEE)(eSS)(_!_)(hAY)+ .. | .. ~~ | ~~ w E ' r E d A s H I T ! ~~ | ~~ ___ _ ___ ___ _ __ _ _|_______ _ _ _ _ ___ ______|__ ___ _ . ________ | ___ ____________ | _ | ___ | : : | _ . . | : | _. | : : _ _____| _ _____: _ ______ 33 _ ___ _____ _ ______ ______ _ !! kTS!a !! lOOK wHOZ gOT dA pHUNK !! @@ rEMORSE @@ lOOK wHOZ tRYING tO gET iT @@ and just to follow this month's theme which is "the enemy" or something like that.. ________ _ ________ ___________ _______ _ _ __________ | _ _|_ _____ | _ _|_ ____ | |____ | | | |____ | ______ ______ | . |______ ___- _ : ____ | : | :____|_ _| | : | | | : _' ______- : . _ : remorse - where all the losers apply (cuz theyre not good enuff for kts!a of course) yeah.. kts!a is really the shit.. so when you see a wanna-be, laugh at him. thats all for this month foolios so like ciao or something.. ______ _________________________________/ / ========\_____ \____ \_ ______/_ / /===== +tZ^/ / / / ______ / / ___/_ / / / / / / / / / _/ _____/ / / / / / \ /_/ / / / / / / ======\____/ \________/________/____/ /======== \______/ \ ___\/__________________ /\ This kid came to me: "aRE j00 g0NN4 dO mE oNE of tHOSe pHAT aSS-KEYZ?" /ps\ eYE kUDDN'T |2355157__ (read: Resist) and here it is: _/ ___\____________________\/___________________ / \/ ________ _____ ____________ ________________ _______________ __/\__ ___/ / __/___ \ :_______ / _/____ __ __/_ |____ _____ \ oO / \ / _____/_ \ : \ ____/___ _____/ \| / /__ _/_____uv_\ \ \ \ \l \___. \ \_ | l \ | / : / ________/\/ | \_ \ \____.----' l \__\ |______\___| /_____: / l / |-----' \____\ `-----' \___| | / :___/_______/_______lps |/ .-------------. _ |Fahrenheit451| /| /----------. |pDX-pDx-pdX-x| ____ / l ____ ____ /cALL OR eYE| |Here comes da|____| \__________ ____/ : \_ \__/ _/ /\ bYTE yOUR | |gay info bout|\ | \ _____/_______/ : / _ _ \ \_lAYME aSS| |this k-rad...| \ l \______ / : \ U()U / `---------' |board...elait| \___ / | / : /\ [--] /\ |eliteeliteeli| | / | /_______: _/ \______/ \_ |ITS-PRI-VATE!| l____/____ l _/ Vvv_/______\_vVV |i.am.a.genius| `---' |icamefromasia| `-------------' ___ _______ __________/ /___ _______________________________________________ / _ /____ \ / / /____ __________ \ ______/ ____ / / =\ /____ / / / / / / / / _____/ _____ _/___/ _______/===> \ / / / / / \ / / _/ \ \ \ \ \ _____- \___/_____/\_________\___/____/ \________\________/____\ \ / \____/ I don't know anything about this board (is it a board even?) but Redd did something for them so I figured I would too. Eeh, make sense? ___/\____ \ oo / On the day I joined kTS I told Charlatan I would do him an ascii. /_\/_\ Eh, well, I did it, 2 months later. Here you go Char.. \/ Remember: Pack Day is February 2nd, 1768. <=[ Antarctica ]===[ 519 ]===[ 28.8k * 2 Nodes = Fast Demo & Art Board ]======> _____ _____ _____. _____________________ ______.__. ____ ____ _\__ \--' / .--' |_\__ \_ ___ / __/_ .--' | |/ __/_ _\__ \ / / | \ | | | / _/___/ | \| | | | | \/ \ / | / | \| | | | / \ \ l \ | | | l \ | \ \___l \____l \___l |___l \____\_ \____ \___l | |_____ \_l _/ `---' `----' `---' `---' `----' `----' `---| | `----'`---' | | <------------------------------------------------------= | | =------------ : | : | | : /\_____ /__ ___ _\\/ \_ ------\_____/------------------------------------------------------------------ kTS! |u u| eYE aM tHE pIMP-aSS sHIT, aND hERE iZZ dEM tEWN33 g3WN33 455/<3Y3Z iS dA _| o | Call the Termite Terrace, just because TooN GooN of iCE Adv. runs sHEIT \ \_/) it. All the elites call it, so if you aren't lame you should too. =======\___|=================================================================== -//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\--//--\\ _______/\__ ____________ ____ / \ oO / \__ ____/ ___________ / |/ /_\/_\ ____________ \ \ _______ \_ _/ / / \/ | _____ __ \ \ \/ / | | \__/ |/ / |____/ _/_\ __ / __\ \ __ \ | __| / / / |___ _____ \ / \_______/ \ \_| \_____/_______/_____/ | / /____ \___/_ ___ __ \ \____/\____| /-ps-___ ________ | / // /________/ /\ \ __ \ ________ |____/ /\ \ \|/ / / / \__\ __ \/ __ ___ / \__\ /\ \________/ \ / /__ ____ /\ \ \ / / / \ ________ \/__/__ _ / \__\ \/__/ / \ / / __________ __ \ / / / \______________/ / ____________ / __ \/__/ ___________ / \ / ______/ \__ ____/ __ \ \_ _// _ \ __ / ____/____ \ \ \ \___________ | | \/ \| \ /_____/ \ \ \ \ \____/\_ _/ | __| ______________\ /____ \ \_ __\ \_________| | \__| \_____/ | \_________\ `----------' \_______/ | __| /\____| | _| \_____/__ |______| \____| / |____/ _____ __( / \_____\ -//--/_ \-------------------------------------------------------------------- \3) c\_ Alright all you pMp's out there.. dat other trials in delusion \ ___/ was reell lame, so here comes a dope one, eh? you like it? -\\----\___\-------------------------------------------[Trials In Delusion]---- __/\__ \ cc / _________ /_\/_\ _______ ______ ___ ___/________ \/ | ____________ ______ ______. \ | | / /\______ / / |___ \ |_____/ ____/____ | | \; .| / / \ ____/___/ |/_ \ | /_______ / | | _ \ || / /____ \ \_ |_____| \l \__ | _/__ / _/ l_____;----'\_____| \_______/ps\__\ | l____.----'`----' `-------' / \___| \ :\ : \ __________________ ____: \_____ ______ _______/|________./ / |____ _\ : \_ _/____ |_______| / _____/ | _ \ \ | / \ : / \___|__ | \ | /____ \ || \| \ \ / \ _____/ ____/_ \_ _/\__ l \____|______/___\ / \/ `----' `-------'----' `-----' \/ __ _____\/________________________________________________________ \/ kTS!Couriers, kTS!Ascii, kTS!Lyrics and now __ kTS!Punks _____________________________________________________\/___________ \/ :______ ______ _____ ______| /____________ __________________ _____ -______| / / / | | /__ ___/ __/_____ \ __ / |_____ \ | | | / / \_/____ | l __/__/ \ \______ / / | / | / \; | |__/__\______ / | .| \ / | / / _____/ | / \ \ | | / l / |____| ||______\/ | /_____/ | _\ /| \ | | |/ _/ | || \______/(___/ ______; ______/ `---'\___;---| |------' | | |____| : | __ __ : / \_"""_/ \ : (____/o o\____) \ \ | / / -kTS!pUNKS- aRE tHA sHIT. \ \~/ / \_ " _/ / kTS \ / punks \ / _______ \ \// \\/ / _ \ / | \ /\ | /\ /__\___l___/__\ ___ / \ __\ \\ Another one for Sparr's "Freakmode", This is like my \______/ fifth k-rad ascii today, I've only done 1 lame one / (o_ today, and that one won't be released.. ehehe. ________________\ ___/ =================\ \ \======================================================== \____/ ____ \ ____ __________ / \__ :\ \ \ ______________________ ____________| / \/ /________ : \__\ \ / __/______ / _/_______ \ | / / / _____ \ _/__ / _____/\ ____/___ ______/_ \ | __/_ \/ / ___ / | \______/ \ \ \ \_ | | \ \l \_ _ |____/ / \| / | \_ l / \ \ \__\ |_______\___.----'--|____| /______\_______/\_________/___/ \____\ ps \___| =====================================[ Freakmode is da shit, too ]============= ===================================================================== ___ _ ___ _ __ _ ________ _ _______ _ ____)\____)\__/(____ _____)\_______/|_ \_ / ____\___ /____ ___\_____ / p| | \_(| \ ______\ |/ \___/ /__ s|__| / _ \ \ / /____/ / _|\____/ |___\___ _/___ _/ \___/ \___| ----' `--' `---'`----' .-+-|___/ Razor 1911 Presents: Razor is da sheit but dey aren't taking new file_id.dizzes. ______ ===\____/======> Someone called Pale wanted this from me, he thought Remorse / o.o\ ==\ ( /====> was decent, hahahah... hope he knows how to appreciate this. \__/ ______ _______ _____ _____ ______ _______ _____| \___ | // ___/__ /____/___/ ____/_______ | / \ | / \| /_\___ \/ ______/ ______/ \| / ______\ l / \ \ / / / l \ l \ \ \ /_______ \ \_______\_ \___/\_________/__________\_________\_ \___/ / \ `----' `----' / \ _____ ______ / \ / __/__ ___________________/ ____/___ / \____________\ ____/_\__ \_____ ____ ________/____________/ \ \ _ \_ / \ / l / \ \ \l ___/ /____/ \______/ \____\____/ ps ___ (___) (_____) Smile! Because It's a Pskgubbe Ascii! Serenity is da shit and so is |o O| this ascii for my friend NttK! ___| . |_____________________________________________________________________ |\_/| |___| __/\__ \ OO / _____ __ _____ ________ _____ _____ ____/_\/_\____________/ _____ / / _/______________ _/______ \| | \/.|___ __ / / .==>/ \_/_____ ______/_____ / ______/ | | || / / \_____ /--. | \______ /| | \ \ ____/___ | \ \ | |/ /ps/ / / | | / l / |_______\ \ \_ |______\_____\ |____|____\ / /____/ | | _/ _/ \__\ | \ | `-----' | | `------' \___| \ | | | \| | `-[ Shiver CHQ ]---[ Serenity is da shit ]---[ NttK ]------------------------' ________ / ____(__>. \ \ . (_)_) _/ \_ . .--------------------------------. | | | * kTS Price List - Ascii * | | | . |________________________________| | | . | | _|_o_o_|_ | Because we are so elite, we | \__/"\__/ | must start charging for our | /\V/\ | art in ascii format. | _____/_____\_____ | | \_____ _____/ | What...................Price | / v \ | | \ o|o / | One Letter 25 DM | /\ | /\ | Two-Pack of Letters $35 | / \~/ \ | Full Ascii 1000 FIM | _/_________\_ | File_id.diz 800 Kr. | | | | Ops in #kTS 500 | | (x) (x) | | | | _ | | These prices are to be | | /o\ | | multiplied by the "artist | | \U/ | | factor" Which each artist | | _________ | | may define for themselves. | \ \ _ _ / / | There is no guarantee of | \ \/`-'\/ / | service and no refunds will | \ / | be issued. You send us money | \_____/ | at your own risk. We will | / \ | propably laugh at you if you | /_____\ | actually do send us anything. | \\___// | | \o_O/ `--------------------------------' / * \ \ _ / \~/ \\_____| |_____// ____ ____ _________ // / \ \\ / \ \ . / \___/ V V ___ _l l_ ___ \_ \_____/ _/ / _ _ \ \ U(o)U / /\ [---] /\ _/ \_______/ \_ Vvv_/_______\_vVV ________ \______/ =======\ /=================================================================== dO nOT (oOoO) 1N | Ok, here you go Sliver Cut, I was a bit angry on IRC coz mOVE! / \__/ \ pEACE!| I was having this really good chat on another channel. eYE /_ "" _\ rEAL-| cOME \ \ / / lEE!!| __________ _________________ _______ _____ ________ ____________ \ / ____ / _ /_____| _/__\__ \___ /_____ ___ / | / __/___/_ \| \_ l \_______ / /__/ / / / |__/_____\ |________/__________/ / _/___ _/\_____\ / | \____| `------' `-----' /______; _____ ______ ________________________________________ \ \| / \_ iN tHIS bOX yOU cANN pUT gAY sTATS _/ \ | /____ | | \ __ \ | | \__ |/ / | | / / / | | / /_____/ `------------------------------------' /_____| ___ "iF j00 k4NN'T sTAND tHE t0457, gETT oUTT oF dEM kEETCHENS!" _/ \_ This one is for eerie, I had already forgotten it but an ansi | | in the union pack reminded me of it. I just rule, rule, rule! ========|_____|================================================================ __/\__ \ oO / _____ _____ __________/_\/_\ / / ________________ _________ ______/ ___/______ __/ \/|________ / \_/____\__ \______ / \_ _ /______ \______ \/ / / |_ _ / \______ /_ \| ____/___/ /___/ /_ \ / / / / |/ /___/_ / l / \l | \_ |____ _/ \l \___ _/_____\/ __|____ \_ _/ _/_____.---|____\ |ps `-----'\___.---' `--' `----' `-----' `------' \___| _______________ _____ ________ _______________ _______ ____ _______ \ _\__ \/ _____/____ _______/ ______ /_ / / _ / \/_ \________ / / __/____/ ___/ \ / / \_/ / \l \__ | / / l \ | \ /_____\________/_____.----' \ | /______\______ \____| \_ \___/ `-----' |______/ _______ ____/____|__\___*_ Today as I was walking home from school a black mersu / _ _ \_ pulled over and Fanfan and Dr.I stepped out and told me \___/O\_____/O\___l ========================================================== _____________________ they would pay me $10.000 to do an ascii for TDU. ___________ \__ ___/___ ____ \ \ :__ ___\__ \ _\ \ : \__\______ \__ \__ \___. \ l / __ _`---' l \____ _/ .-----/ \ Oo / `-----' `----' : / /_oO_\ ______ ___________________________ ____:___/__ ___\/_____/ /_ \___ ______ \ |______ / _______/___/ / ______/_`--- / / \ __ \_ | / \ \_ \____ /_ \____ | \/ / \| / | / \___________/ __/\___/ |_____/______/ ____/_____ /_ `----' / | `-----' `----' \_____| .-----/ : / ____ ______ __________:___/__/\___/ \____ /_ __________ | / _______/ ___ / ___/ \ ____| _/ \| / \_ \___ \____/_ | \ | | \ \ \ /\___________/____ \___| \_ | | \_ \___/ `-----' |______/ | l / `----' | ___/ `---'_____ genesis world headquarters ___/ / / _____/_________ \ \___ |_____ /_ ________ .-----/ \___/ |/ ___/ \_______ _____| / : / _/ |\ | \ \____ | /___:___/__/ \_____| \___| \_ _____ / | / ________/ |______/ __/ | / \__ \___ `-----' \____ \____________/ `----' _____ __\ |___ Another "re-make" of an old ascii, this time it's Sweden's \________/ finest, Obscene Phobia, that last one I did really sucked. /_ o___ Next I might do a 'Pantheon' Ascii. /3/ \____/ ====\_______/ ============================================================= _______ _____ ________ _______ _____ _______ _____ ___ | / __/___ / _ /_| _/_____/ ___/____ /_____\__ \___/ \| / ______/ / \| \_l \_ /______ / /__/ /_____ / \ \ / \ \==\_________/______/___/\____ l _/___ _/ / _/\_ \___/\___ \_ \ `---' `-----' `------' `----' `-----' \ -gAY sTATZ /\ \ -MORE SHIT _____ / \ \ _______________ _________________ (___| / \ \ _/ __ / |_____ __ \_____ /___/ |/ __\ \=======\ _______/ | | |/ \_ ___ / | |/ \======> \____\ ________| |________/______/__ |_________\ |____; `---' _ _____ / \ __________________________________________________________________ / \ /_____\ w00p, that other pantheon I did, was never released and I don't I I I I think even slothy ever got it, eh? I showed it to sparr and I I I I tinyz may have seen it but that's all, and it sucked anyway. ____ I I I I _________________________________________________________________ I_I_I_I /\ __________/ \ _______________ ___ _____ _______ / / \ ___ | ____ ___// |_____ / ___/_______ ___ | / _/ ____ / __\ / \| / / \ / | |/ ______/ __ \ / \| / \ ______/ |/ \/ \ \ / _/ \/ | | \ \| \/ \ \ / \____\ ____________\_ \___/ _______/_____| |___ \_____ \_ \___/ `----' ps| | `-----' `----'----' |____; __ __l__ This Elite Board started as 'dry sponge' then went on to ___l l___ 'The Underground Airbase' and then 'The Underwater Moonbase' ======/ \============================================================ \___________/And now it's kicking as: Super of Kew 3 _____ / / ______________________ _______ ___________ / \_/_______| | _____ \_ ___/ ______ /_ _______ \_ _______/ \______ / | | \ // __/____/ ___/ \ \ \______/ |__ / l / l | \____// l \ | \ \ ____ / ___/ _/ _/_____ |_____| \______ \____| \_ \_________/_____; `------' `----' `-----' |______/ | _______ /| sYmptom USHQ - lAmm4s WHQ ____| \_________ / | ____ ____ iCE Member - kTS Member _| | /_ ____ |/ |/ /_\__ \ Fairlight/PWA/Razor/Genesis ____ | __/_/ __/__\ | | | /"\___ \__ \_ _ | l \\ | | / | / 8 Nodes @ 28.8k - 14 Gigs Storage '--|____| _______|\ /____ _/ `-----' \/ `-----' ____ __-/\-_ ___/ _/ _____\oOOo/______/ / / sYmptom info file ascii set. _____/_\/_\ __ ____/ /___________________________ \/ \ / / / / / Ok, I redid the asciis that are in the Y \____\ info file coz the old ones were old. :) \ | |\ /| ___________ __________ ___________ / \ _____ _/ |____\/ / \_____ _______ \ \/ \ / / __\ l / / \ / \ / \ \ \ / \_/________ _/ \/ \ \ / / / / \/ / \______ / | \ \ \ ____/ / _ / / / / / l / l \_ \ \ \/ / \/ / / / _/ _/ ____/____\ \_____\____/________\____/------\ `------'`-----' `-----' ____ _____ _______ _/ __/_____ __/\___\ \ \ \\______ / ____ \ oO / \ \ _ \_/ | / _/ __/____/_Oo_\_ \____\_\___/ / | / \______ / \/| / \ \ \_ /\_____/ / | / |______\ \_______/ _/ | /_____| \______/ ____. ________ ______ _______ | | ______ _______ _________ _______ / ______/ _____ /_/ ____/___| |__________\__ \\_____ \/ _______/__\___ \\____ \ / ___/ \ ______/_ | /\____ \/_ / \______ \_______ / / \ \ | \ \ / | / / / \| \_ / \ / / / / \___| \_ \ _/_ ____/____ / _/ _____/ / / / / / / |_____/`-----' `----' `------'------' __ _/___ / \____ _/ `----' `------' `---' _ _______ / \ | \ __/\__ .::. _______/ \ _| \_\ oO / :::: .-+=== \__ / ____\_\|_| //_\ _\ = :::: ==+-. | / /| ___/______/ \/ \ :::: | | _/ | ______/_| \_ !::: | : \_______| \_ \| | / .... : . |_________/ \________/ `:: . !rEDD ___ ..gET rEADY fOR yET aNOTHER.. ___ \/ _________________________________ \/ ________________________________ \_______ \_ __/_______ \____ \_ \_____ \_ _ / \_ /_____ _/ ___/ _/ _______/ / / / / / _/ / /__/_ _ / / / \ \ \_ \_ \_ _/ / _/ / _/ /_ /__ / /___/ / / \___\ /_______/______/______/ __ \ /___/_______/_____/_____/ / \ / _______/.\ \ / ______ !rEDD/_____/ \/ \:..::\ \/ /:./ \::::::::::\ /:::::/ \:::::::\::\/::/::/ :::':::\::::/`: : : ::' : . : : ________ ______________ \ |______ _ __ _______________ \ / \ ___/____ _/ \ _ /____ \ | ______/ :cODE: / \ /____/ \____\ | \_ _ __ __________/ \______| \_ \_ |______/ __ !rEDD| | / _ | / / \_______ |_______/\____/____/ _______/ \ ___/____ : \ oO / \___ / _____\ ______/ . /_\ _\ / / | \_______ ____\/_____ __ _ _/ |_________/ \ cODE \_ \________| _| \_ rED \ :rED: \| | / cOURIERS \_________________ ___ __ _ \________/ _______________________________________________________ ___ __________ _ \_ \____ \_ \__________ ___/ __/____ / \_ / / / / / / \ \_ \_ / _______/ / / / / / / / / \ \ / / / \_ \_ /_____/ /__/___/____/______/___\ / /____\_________/ .:::::. __/------------------------\ /____/-----------!rEDD `!::' \/ _________________________ ________________ \_______ \_ __/____ _/______\_____ \_ __/____ _/ ___/ _/ _______/ /_ / _/__ _/ / _______/ .------\ \ \_ \_ \_ / /_ / /_ / \_ \_--. | \___\ /_______/_____/ / /___/________/ | | \ / \_______/\ /!rEDD | | \/ ..... ..... \/ | .:.:::.::::. .::: ::::: :::: :: :::: :: ::::: .::.:::: | :::`:::'::: :::.::::: ::::. ::::. ::::: :::`:::: | ::: ::: :::. `::::`:::. :::: :::: ::::: ::: :::: | | | `---------------------------------------------------------' _ ___________________/ \___________________________________________________ \____ \_ / /\_____ _____ _ \_ __/_________ \____ _ / / / / / \ \_ / _\__/ ___/_ _______/ ___/ _/ / /___/ / / _/ / \ \ / / \ / / \_ \_ \ \_ / ______/_______/______/___\ /____\ \ _____/________/____\ /____ -------------------------\ /-----------\ /-------------------\ /!rEDD- \/ \/ \/ ________________ __________________________________ \_____ \_\___\_____ \_ /_____ \_ \____\_____ \_ / _/ / _ / / / / /_/_ _/ / \/ / / _/ /_ / /___/ / _/ / / //_ / \ \ / _/ / \ /___/_____//______/_______/ /___/___\ /______/ \ //_____/\ /\ /!rEDD \/\/\/ |\_ ___________| \/ \__________/\________ | ___/____ / | \_______/ \_\_/ ___\ oO /_____|/ |______//____| \_____\__ / ____\_ / \/ / /\ /_\ _\ / | / |\_/_ \ ___/____ /| ___/__/_ \ /__/_ \| \/ |_/ | _/ |________/ |_/_|\ ______/ | ______/_ \ / / \| /\ !rEDD|| |______\ \______| \_ | \____/ \_____|/\ |_______||________/ |________/___| \/________\ /_________\ |\ |______\ ._____. .________ _______________| |__________________________| ./ _____________ __/ __________ | | __ \__ _________. | // __/ ________.__/ \_________ \_ _ | \/ / \ | _ __/_ \ \_ | _____ / |____| |__________/---\_______|___| \_ \___| | `--------' `-----' `--------' `------' : | `---------------. .-------------------' __________ `--------------------------------. / /\ .--------------------------' / / \-------------`--------------------------------------------. /_________/ \ SHOCK G presents a little collection of my latest | \ \ / ascii works for the KATHARSIS!ASCII COLLECTION #17! | \ \ /----------------------------------------------------------' \_________\/ .----------' | : : /\ _______ _ ____/ _\____ _ _______ _____| /// ________ _ ____ \____ _ ___/// _______| |_______ _ _ _/ __ __/_______| / __\ /__ / \______| _/|__ | __/// \____ __ ___ /_/ \/ \/ _/ ___________/ _ _ ____ _/ \_ \______/ _________ \ __ |______ _ \__________/___ ____________/ \____ \______| -sg|__________/ \________/ __ _ -----------\/--------------------------------------------------------------- .. I didn't have much time to create this little piece of shit so there's no special decorations etc. between the pics.. just the real things .. some of the asciis are already delivered to the people I made them,but the rest of you: take the asciis and use them, but don't even think of removing my tag -sg from them. .. if you didn't get it yet, this small 'collection' is simply called: bEITCH! .. oh.. one more thing.. all you nazipunks out there: F U C K O F F ! _ __ --------------------------------------------------------\/------------------ [ O1 ] - ( DA' JOINT ) ^ ( MADE FOR: myself.. ;) ) .. _ ________ ________ __ _ . .__\__ \___\____ \ \/ . _!________________ _ _ | |\ \_ _ \_ _ _ __________________!_ OOOO' | |/ _____/ / |OO' |___________/ \_______/ | |O' _ ____ __ _ /\ | |o ._____ _________ __\ /__ / \ .________/__\____ o| | ______|_ \___\____ \/ \/ \/ \| ____ _ \__/ .O| | _/ _/ \_ / __ __ \\ \_ \ .OO| _!_ _ \ \_____________ /_________/ |\_______/ \ __ __oOOOO!_ \________/ -sg\______/ |_____| \\/____ _ \/ --- [ O2 ] - ( THE FUTURE ) ^ ( MADE FOR: CYBORG & HAWKEYE of SCHIZO ) .. _ _______ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _____| /__| __/____| /_____| __/ ____| / ____| / _/ _______/ | ____ __ | \_/ ___ /_/ ___ / \ ______ | \_/ \ | \ \____/ \_____/_ \__ \______ ____ \_____ ____/ ____ \_ -sg|______/ \______/ \_______/ \______/ \______/ \_________/ --- [ O3 ] - ( THE SOLARIUM ) ^ ( MADE FOR: PEAK of HIRMU and ANARCHY ) .. _ ______ _ ______ _ _______ _ ______ ___| /________| | _ ________ _ ___| /______ _ | |____ _____ _ _/ ___________ _ |__________ \_ ___ /______ | _____\/____/ |______ \_ | | | __ _ _ _\____/ | | | \/ \_ ____ | |________|____ |____| |__| ______|____ |____/ | _ |_______| __________ |____| __ |_____|_ |______| _______ |_____| _ |______| _ : : : THE SOLARIUM - Number: +358 31 3170851 - Sysop: PEAK/HIRMU/ANARCHY : : Anarchy WHQ Site X - Mfc SFHQ - Arkham SfHQ - HiRMU Memberboard : : Official Dealer Of: Traxx - GAS & EKG - Jeskola! - Orange - Prime : : Sahara Surfers - Admire - Gollum - Mist : : Gathering the Scene in Network (864:358/64) - PCBOARD 15.20 : :_____________________________________________________________________________: --- [ O4 ] - ( DELTA HOUSE ) ^ ( MADE FOR: DR.POOP ) .. /\ _ _______ __________ _____. _ ____/__\_____________ _ .___\__ \_/ ___ /_/ __|_______ _ __________ \ | |\ \_ \_____/ \_ \_/ \ _ \_ | |/ ____ ______ / \_____/ / | ______/ \________/ \_______/ \ \_______/ | |_________________ ______| \ ________ \ ___________ _ | | _________ \/ | \/ _____/__\/ ___ / | _ \_ (/ __ | \________ \_ \_____/__ | |______/_____ /_____` ____ |/ /___ \_ |_____| \______/ _ __\_______/ \________/ \ \_________/ _ _ __\// \ \/ \_ _ + + (_ and then something different... some miscellaneous asciis... _) _) the first one goes to SNAKE MAN, here's your ELITENET ascii! (_ + + ____ _ /\ __ _ /\ _ _________ ____ _ ____\ /_____/__\____________/ \ _________________/__\____ _/ __ /_/ _|______ \/ _ __ __ / \| __ __ / __ _ \____/ | _/ \_ \ \____/ \\ \_ \____/_ \ _ ___ ____ _________/ \___ ___|\______/___ \_ \ -sg\_______/ \_______/ __ / \_______/ \_______/ \ _ _\// _ _/ \/ + + (_ next three asciis are kinda personal. So here you are, _) _) ANALOG of NATO and CRACKHOUSE, AUTHENTIC and PEAK of HIRMU (_ + + __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __________/ \ ._________________\/____. __ _________\/________ _ .__\____ \ \| __________ \/ _|_____________ \/ _____/____. | _ __ \\ \_ _ __ | __ (/ __ \_ | |_____/ /___|\_______/____/ /___ \___________/__| | \______/ \______/ |________/ -sg|________| --- | _ _____________ _ ____________ _ ________ _ ___________|__ | ______ _ ____\__ _ /____ _ _/_____/ _____/____| __ ___/ __|_| /__ \ _ | / | \ _ | ___________ | \ \ ____/ | \___/ |___ _______\__/ ___ \ |____/ |______\ \_________| `-----' `------' `------' `------' `-----' -sg| | | --- . ._______ _ _ __ __/\________________________ _ _/l______________| / \_\\________ / ___ /___\_______ \ | / | /_______/ \______/ __ __ _|____/_____ _ |________|sg\______ _______/ /___\ / _ !____ _ _ _________ \_________/ __ \_______/_ ___\ / \____ _ _____ /_____ _ ___ /\_\\ / \/ \/_/ \ / _ _ \ \ / /\____ _ \ \/ / \ / \/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. that's about it then.. Just some greets to the end: SCION/SCHIZO, PEAK/HIRMU/ANARCHY, BIOHAZARD, SPARR/ACID/KTS!ASCII, SNAKE MAN/SCHIZO, ZAAKKULA/SCHIZO, DARKDRUID/SCHIZO, MAGE/SCHIZO, BETACAROTINE/SCHIZO/JESKOLA!/HIRMU, ANALOG/NATO, D136/GAS, MADMAN/SCHIZO/GAS/HIRMU, APRIL7/DDG, GLUESTER/COMA/PJT/TI, BURANA, NAPOLEON/IT/TFI, MINUTEMAN, AUTHENTIC, DISPERIN/ADMIRE. + ALL The SCHIZO Members not listed + ALL The KATHARSIS!ASCII Members not listed + ALL Active Da'Joint users .. if you want an ascii from me, just contact me on any board you can find me on, or simply call my own. .. OK, I'm out now. Signed: SHOCK G / KATHARSIS!ASCII ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ __________ _________ _____ _________ _________ _/ \_\_____ \_/ \_\___/_/ _ \_/ _ \_ | \_/ .| .| .| | .| .| .| .| .| .| | :| :| :| :|_____| :| :| :| :| :| :| ====|_____| .|___________|=+tZ^|_____|_____|___________|_____|_____|==== |_____| _________ __________ _________ _/ \_\_____ \_/ _ \_ | \_/ .| :| .| .| .| | :| :| _ :| :| :| ====|_____| .|_____|_____|_____|_____|==== |_____| ____ ____ <====\ /=[ BOARD LOGOS ]=\ /====> --\/-------------------\/-- ===[ 5TH DIMENSION ]=========================================================== ______/\_____/\______/\___ \_ ________ _ | _/ /____ \ | \ | \ / \ \ | \ \ \_________/ |____/__|____/ ______/\__/\________/\______/\______/\______/\__/\______/\______/\___ \____ __ _________ ______ _____ ____ __/ / \ \ \ _ _ \ ____\ | \_____ \ \ | \+mM| \ / | \ \ | | \ \ \ | \ \ \ \ | \ | \ \_________/___/__|__|___/_______/__|____/_______/___/_______/__|____/ 5TH DIMENSION -- 760Mb Online -- 0/14 Days PC Games -- Eliteness to HELL Local Sysop: Sulu -- Remote Sysop: Manowar & Metallian /Dom ===[ QUADRILLION ]============================================================= ______/\_____/\______/\______/\______/\__/\____________/\______/\______/\___ \____ | ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ __/ / | \ | \ | \ | \ | _\ \ |__ |__ \ | \+mM| \ / | \ |_ \ \ | \ \ \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \ \______ /______/__|____/_______/__|\___/___/____/____/___/_______/__|____/ \___/ ===[ DEMOLITION ]============================================================== ________ ____________________________ _______________________________ \____ \/ ______/ _ _ /___ / /\ /___/ /___/___ /___ /\ / / / ____/ / / / / / /_/_/ / /__/ / / /+mM/ / / /_______/_______/ /__/__/_______/______/ /___/ //___/_______/ /___/ / \_______\______/__/\__\__\_______\_____/___/\___\/ \___\______/___/\___\/ .----------------\__\/-------------------\___\/-----------------\___\/--------. | rUNNING pCBOARD 15.2 == 3500 mEGABYTES oNLINE == (+45)11111111 == nUP:sLOPE | | lOCAL: nETMAN/sYRACUS == rEMOTES: kLAUS KLUDDER/XXXXX aND nEGROS/XXXXXX | | ____ == aSCII (c) 1994 bY mOTION mAN oF dOMINATORS == ____ | `---\ /---------------------------------------------------------------\ /---' \/ \/ ===[ ANONYMOUS PSYCHOSIS ]===================================================== .-------.-------.-------.-------.----.---.-----------.-------.---.---.--------. \___ \___ \___ \___ \ | \ _ _ \___ \ \ \ _____| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ | | | | | | | | |____ | | | | | | | |+mM| | | | | | | | | | | ' | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|_______|___|___|________|___|___|___|_______|_______|_______| _ .-------.-------.----.---.-------.-------.-------.-------.---.--------. _ (_) \___ \ _____\ | \___ \ | \___ \ _____\___\ _____|(_) | | |___ | | | |___| | | | |___ | |___ | _ | ___| | |____ | | | _ | | | | | | | | _ (_) | | | | | ' | | | | | | | | | | | | (_) | | |_______|________|_______| |___|_______|_______| |_______| .----|___|----------------------------|___|-------------------|___|-----------. | dOMINATORS tERITORRY == 11oo mEGABYTES oNLINE == rUNNING lATEST pCBOARD | | kICKING cODERS cONFERENCE == cOOL cUSTOM cONFIGURATION == cARRYING dOMNET | | tHE pLACE wHERE mEN tURN iNTO aNIMALS! == aSCII bY mOTION mAN oF dOMINATORS | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ===[ ANONYMOUS PSYCHOSIS ]===================================================== ________________________________________________________________________ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ \ \ _ _ \____ \ \ \ /\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_/__ / / / / / / / /___ / / / / / / / /___ /\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /+mM/ / / /___/___/___/___/_______/___/___/_______/___/__/___/_______/_______/_______/ / \___\___\___\___\_______\___\___\_______\___\__\___\_______\_______\_______\/ 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========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _,ooo,. ass-key by k-spiff!kts .,ooo,. _,o#P"'dP' .,ooo,. `Yb `"Yb, ,dP' d( ,dP"' dP' `$, `Yb,dP' `Yb,,dP' ,$' ..,o###oo,_ `$, `''` ,$' _,oo###o,.. `"Yb, `"Yb,.,dP' `Yb,.,dP"' ,dP"` `Yb `'` `'` dP' `$"""###oo,_ Yb dP _,oo###"""$ `"o. `""$ooP' _,oo###8888$$$$$8888###oo,_ `Yoo$""' .o"` `o,_ `$o `' _,o#8P"' `"Y8#o,_ `' o$' _,o `b,`""Y$. ,dP"' `"Yb, .$P""',d' `$, ` ,dP' `Yb, ' ,$' `$, dP' `Yb ,$' `$ ,$' `$, $' $, $' _,o##oo,_ _,oo##o,_ `$ ,$ `$ ,$ .dP"' `"Y#o, . ,o#P"' `"Yb. $, $' $ $' `' `"Yb. $',b.dP"' `' `$ $ $, $ _,o##o,_ `' ` `""' _,o##o,_ $ ,$ `$ ,$ o,o$8P"'`"Y8$#oo. ,o` .oo#$8P"'`"Y8$o,o $, $' o#o,.$' `"' `' ., `"o$: `' `"' `$.,o#o ,$' `Y' dP `Yb $ `$, $' `o ($',. .,`$) . $ o' `$ $, Y) `' `' `b, $,(Y ,$ `$, `' ,o##888##o,.,o##888##o,Y, `$ ` ,$' `Yb,_. dP"`` ``"""""`` ``"Y$ $_,dP' `"`$, dP `$ ,$`"` `$, $' $ ,$' `Yb, $, 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This is a big sheet of ascii for my friend Modeus Khahn.BL/DE 's board AVGA. Give it a ring. It's a neet little OBLiViON/2 Beta Site! KEEN! /Ck! ...katharsis!ascii |\-|><=================================================================><|-/| _____________ ______ ______ _____________ _____________ |: |: |: |: |: | |: | |: |: |: |______|: | | |. | |. |. |. |: |. | | | | | | |. | | |______| |_____________|_____________|______| | ::::::::|______|aCk!.kts!ascii::::::::::::::::::::|______|: a v g a |\-|><=================================================================><|-/| ____ _________|: |____ ___________________ |____ |: |: |: _________ | |: |: |: |: |: |: | |: | |: | |: | |: | | |_________|_________|_________|_________|aCk!.kts a v g a |\-|><=================================================================><|-/| __ __ _____| |__ __ ________ _____ ___________ _____ _____| |__ |a _ | |c | __ _ |k _ | ____ _ | _ | _ | | | __|_ | | | | __|_ __| | | __|_ __| __|_ | | |________|__|_____|___________|_____|___________|________|__| a v g a |\-|><=================================================================><|-/| ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |: |___|: |___ _______|: |___ | :|___| :|___ _______| :|___ |: |: |: |: |: | | :| :| :| :| :| __ |___|: |: |: |: |___|___| | _ |___| :| :| :| :|___|___| :| __ |__ |: |: |: |: |: |: | _ | :| :| :| :| :| :| __| |: |: |: |: |: |: |: |: | | :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| |_______|_______|___ |_______| |_______|_______|___ :|_______| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|___|xxxxxxxx oooooooooooooooooooo|___|oooooooo |\-|><=================================================================><|-/|   ___  | :|   _______|_:|___________________    | _:| :| _:|    _____| :| :| :| :|_:|___| :| :|_____  | :|_ :| :| _:| :| _:| |______:| :| :| :| :| :| :| :|_____|   |___| :|_______|_______|___| :|  |-----| :|.ack!--------------| :|-|  |-----|___|.kts!--------------|___|-|  |\-|><=================================================================><|-/|  ____________________ _____|:|_____|:|_____|:|_____|:|__________ |: ||:|:|:|: |:||:| ______________|:|: |:|:|:|_____|:|:|______________  |_____|:|:|:|: |: |_____|:|  |: ||:|:|:|: |:|: ||:|  |: ||:|:|:|:|: |:|:|:||:|  |: ||:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:||:| ______________|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|______________ |:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:| |_____||:|:_|:_|:_|:||_____| |___________|___________|_____ |___________| ::::::::::./Ck!.kts!.:::::::::|_____|::::::::::::: ... aVGA... aND^aLL^tHAt^d0PE^gNASTy^pHUNk!  ...aVGA...  ...  archaeik is the artist that brought this thing forth ...  |\-|><=================================================================><|-/| __ __ _____ _____ _____|_ |___________ _____|_ |___________ __ |__ |: |: ____|: ____ |: ____|: ____ |: |__ |: |. | |. | |: |. | |: |. | |: |. | |: |. |: | |. | _|_ | |__| |. | |__|_ | | | |. |__| |. | _|_ |. | |________|__| |__|__|___________| __|__| |__|___________| %%%%%%%%%%[aCk!]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|__|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% a n t i c a p i t a l anticapital 502.493.8425 lifetime reality.suicide.jihad jihad member suicide member reality member blank member evolution distro art distro poison distro psychosis distro teklordz distro vext distro |\-|><=================================================================><|-/|    ____  ______________|: |__________________  |: ____|:|: |:| |:||:|:|:|____|:||  |: |:|:|:|:|:|  |:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|  |:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|  |:|:|:|: |:|:|:|:|   |:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:| |:|:|:| |:|_|__|:| |____|: |_________|______________|: | %%%%%%|____|%[aCk!]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|____|%  9 . o . 4 . 3 . 8 . 7 . 4 . 7 . 4 . o a . v.g.a  |\-|><=================================================================><|-/|   ___________  | :|_____  | :. :|:|  | ::___________|________________   | :| :| :|  |:.:|:.:|:.:|  |:::|:::|:::|  |:|:|:|:|:|:|  |:|:|:|:|:|:|  |:|:|:|:|:|:| |:|:|:|:|:|:| |:|:|:|:|:|:| |:::|:::|:::|_____ |:.:|:.:|:.:|:| |___________|___________| _ ______|:| :::::::.aCk!.kts!a:::::::|:.:::|: |_____::.:| |___________| .oO w3Wp! 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The askiis just keep | /_____\ \ \ /\ Oo / | coming.. dont they?!?.. well, | \ oO /\ / O \_o_/____| this is supposed to be my 1st |____\_/_/ O / _ .|____| askiis for kts!asc, but i went |____|. _ \ /_/ .| | wrong of the dates.. sorry.. | |. \_\ (_/| || | this was what just slipped my | || |\_) _|_| ||___ | mind one cold 'n lousy morning in | ___|| |_|_ - |+||-_____\\| december .. sorry bout the |//_____-||+| - =====|==========| requests too.. gonna make 'em |==========|======== | another time! -ck! | `-------------------------------------' . . . . . . . : : : : : : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : /\____________________________________________________/\ : - -+-----_/----------- - - --- - - ------- - ----------\_----+- - | | | | | Katharsis^Asc Logos | | | | : Y : : Y : : | | - -+-----:--:-------:--- -. ----- -- ------- : - - ---- --.-----:----+- - : . . . . : __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- Katharsis 1st try: --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ . . . . . . . . : : _: :__: :______________________________ : : | | \| | | | ck!/ | | | | | | | | -kATHARSIS^aSC / | | | | | | | | / | | | |____________| |__| |____ _______ _____________/____| |__________ | . __/ ___ | _/|_ . | ____ | ___ \____ ----/ |____ ----/ |____|____\_______)________/___|____)_______)____| \/________/_____|________/ \ / \________ ___________________/ / ____ |____ ----/ ______| \________)________/__________) \ / \ / \ / \________________/ __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- kATHARSIS 2nd tRY: --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ ___/\ /\___ ____/\/\____ /\____ ____/\ ____/\ /\ ____/\ _/ | \_ ___ \___ __\_ | \_ ___ \_ ___ \_ \_/__\_ \_ \ . __/ \_/ /\ /_/ / \_/ / \_/__/___ \__/ /___ \__/ / : \ | \/ \ : \ | \ | \ \ \ \ \ \ %%%%\___| /___| /\_ /___| /___| /___| /____ /__ /____ /%%%%% %%%%%%%%`--'%%%%`--'%%`--'%%%%`--'%%%%`--'%%%%`--'%%%%`--'%%`-'%%%%`--'%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\___ ____/\ /\____ /\ /\ _/ ___ \_ _ \_ \_/__\_/__\_ \ \_/ / __ \__/ |___/ / / / | \ \ \ | \ \ \ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\___| /____ /____ /__ /__ /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%`--'%%%%`--'%%%%`--'%%`-'%%`-'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ck!% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- kATHARSIS 3rd tRY: --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ _______/\ _____/\ ______/\ ______/\ _____/\ ________/\ \__ /__/\\_____ \ \__ /_\___ /__ \_____ \\_______ \ / /_ _/ / |/ \ / __/ / _ \ / |/ \ / |/ _/ ___/\ _/ _ /__/ _ \_ (_/ \/ / /_/ _ \_ _ )_ \___/ =\____/_____/\____/_____/_______/____/_____/____/_____/__/_____/========= _________/\ __/\_________/\ /\ ______/\ _________/\ _______/\ \__ _____/_ __/\__ _____/ / \ \______ \ \__ _____/__ _/ _\__\ \ / / _\__\ \ /_/\_\ / |/ \ __\__\ \ / |___/ _/ \ \_ \_/ \ \_ _/ _ \_ \ \_ | \_ =\__________/____/__________/===ck!===\____/_____/_________/_________/=== . . . . . . . : : : : : : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : /\____________________________________________________/\ : - -+-----_/----------- - - --- - - ------- - ----------\_----+- - | | | | | Cyber Devils Logos | | | | : Y : : Y : : | | - -+-----:--:-------:--- -. ----- -- ------- : - - ---- -.------:----+- - : . . . . : __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- dEVILS AND pIXIES: --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ ______ __(__) / \ //__\/_\ /_____\ \ lITTLE cYBER dEVIL aND _\\ OO / \ oO /\ / /| pIXY pLAYING gOT yA! \_/\_\_/______ _\_O_/_ O /:`---------------------- - - /~ ___ ____ \ / _.:. \ /::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : /__ /_))- \ \> \:::::::::::::::::::::ck!: : : / \_\/ \ \_/!: |\ )Y: \:.---------------------- - - /_____|_____\ ___|:| |_|_: \| /_/______-|+|- | ______ __(__) / \ lITTLE cYBER dEVIL //__\/_\ /_____\ \ wANTS iTS pRESENT! |\ _\\ Oo / ______ \ oO /\ / - - -----------------':\ \_/\_C_/_ /__/__/|__\_O_/ O : : ::::::::::::::::::::\ /~ _____\___ | |(__)____. \/ : : :ck!::::::::::::::::/ /_____(_/-(_/-----|--+--||-/. / - - -----------------.:/ / (| \ |__|__|/ // / |/ /_____)____\ _____// /o / /_/______/O.o. . . ####### ______ ## ### / \ lITTLE cYBER __(__) ## ## / /_____\ dEVIL gOING //__\/_\ /<## # \ /\ Oo / /| fOR a rIDE! __\\ Oo //\_) # .xOxxx.Q_/ /:`------------ - - (_)_/\_O_// _/ __ .x#xxx" / "x(_ \ /::::::::::::::: : : \\ / ._/__/ | __ .xxxx"# / \____/ \:::::::::::ck!: : : \\/ | (_ )xx" / /__ \ \:.------------ - - / \____________|__/ / / /_/_ /___ \| (___________________/ /_______\____\ lITTLE cYBER dEVIL ______ ______ gOING fOR aNOTHER / \ /_\/__\\ rIDE! (pUKE rIDE :) |\ /___\ \ \ oO //_ - - -----------------':\ \ Oo /\ /_______\_/_/\_/ : : ::::::::::::::::::::\ \__/ O |\_.|__~ \ : : :ck!::::::::::::::::/ / /----| |\_*|_____\ - - -----------------.:/ /_//___|| |__||\ \ |/ (__)//______|_____\____\ //_(__)\\ /__\/_\ \ Oo /_ lITTLE cYBBER dEVIL _\__/__) /| pRATICING tRAMPOLINING! / _ / /_ /:`----------------------- - - / \__/\\ /:::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : |\ \\\ // _____ \::::::::::::::::::::::ck!: : : |\|___ \______/_/----\ \ \:.----------------------- - - | |__. *.<@\ ) = / / \| |______.@./ Some shit i made when i had finished the 1st one - Ozonic / Frenetic --> made me think of something in the clouds :) _______________________________ __________(_ _)__________ __________(_ tHIS fILE pASSED: _)__________ (___ ________ ______ ________ ________ ________ _______ ___ ________ ___) (__| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \__) (| ___ / _|_ / ____ / ___ / ____ / /_ / |__ /) | __\/ \_ \ ____\/| | \/| ____\/| \/ \/| | \/| |____| |___|____\_______|___|____|________|_____||____|________| (_______ ____ck!) (_______________________________________) _______ _(_ _)_ (___________) _________________________________________ ________(_ _)_______ __(_ UZI Memberboard - CTC Memberboard - EUD Memberboard _)__ (______ Gods: Ozonic - Klodrik - Moonshine - Hardnoise ______) ______(_ 1.5 Gigs Online - 2x28k8 Active - o-3 Dayz Limit _)______ (__ Pure Elite - Fair Rations - Nup:EliteFolks - Pascal Corner __) (________________________________________________________________) _________ ________(_ _)________ (_ We Takes You To Heaven: _) (____ +46 - Yo Sucker ____) (___________________) __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- pHAZE=oUT aDDS.... --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ (____) (____) /\Oo/\----------[ wE nEED yOU! tO cALL: ]------------/\oO/\ /\/\/\ _/ ________ ____________________________ _________ \_ | _\ | | \_______ \_____ /_ _\ _____/ ____ | | | . | | _/ | ______| __>___ \___\ | : | |____| : | : | | | /___/ : |____ | |____| |____| | _____|_____ | `---' `----' `--------' `----' nO nUP! ________________________ rUNNING eVOLUTION . (____) _\____ \_ \_ \_ /__ (____) . : (__\Oo/__) | | | | | _/__ (__\oO/__) : | \oo\/oo/ | : | : | | | \oo\/oo/ | | \/ \/ |_____ |_____ |_____ | \/ \/ | ~\ `----' `----' `----' ck!/~ \/\/\/ \/__\/-----------[ rINGDOWN: +45-aSKfORiT ]----------\/__\/ \::/ sYSOPS: iNFO: \::/ \/ tERMiNATOR 0-5 dAYZ iBM/aMIGA \/ | gRAVEDIGGER rEWARD tO wEEKTOP wINNER | : sANEX hOURS: 18:00 tO 12:00 cET : . jAWLOG nODE#1: 28k8 - nODE#2: iSDN . __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- sITE #1 bBS-lOGOS! --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ --> The sysop didn't like 'em .. well.. do I look like someone who cares?! ______________________ __________ _____ _\ ______/____\_ /___ _\ ______/ _\ | |_____ | | __/__| _)___ # | | | | | | | | | | | %%%%%%|_____ |___ |_____ |_____ |ck!%%%|___ |%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%`-----'%%`---'%%%%`-----'%%%%`-----'%%%%%%%%%`---'%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ __ _______/\___/\________/\_/\______ __ _ ______ __ _ \\\_\\___ _______ ___ __ ________//_/// / . _//_/// /______\/ \/ \__/ __>__ _/_/_ \/ \ / \/ \ \ \ \ _/_/_ / \ \_____ /____/__ /_____ / / / \___ / [===========|___/=======|__/=====|___/================|__/==ck!] __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- iNSANITY bBS-LoGOS --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ ___________________________________________________________________ / \ \ _____________ \ \ \ \ | \ / \ : \______ \ :/ \ : \ \ \ \______ \ \ / | / \/ / | / | / / /__/ \/ / \____/____|____/_________/____|____/____|____/____/____/ \_________/ck! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" _______________________________________________________ _________ \___\_______ \__ ____\________ \_______ \_____\_ \___ | | _/ _/ | : |_______ _/ :/ | : _/ | ___/__|_______ \_ | | | | |/ | | | | | | | |/ | |__ |____| |_____ |____| |____| |__ |_____ |_____ | """`---'""""`----'""""`----'""""`----'""""`----'"`---'""""`----'""""`----'ck!" __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .-------- pANDEMONIUM aDDS!! --------. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ wE nEED >YOU< tO cALL: _. ._ ._ ._ _. __/:________: \_______: \_______: \____/:_____ \_ __ \ ___ _/\_ . __/____ \__ ______/ o-2 dAYZ wAREZ / / \ / . \ \ / : \ / :\ \/ ___)___ aMIGA/iBM/hPACV / \__/ | \ | \ . \_ \ aSKII/eVL/pCE \_ ._/ \____: /____: /____. /__. / rUNNING /X 0.85 \_: :___/ :___/ :____/ :____/ _. . ._ ._ ._ _. (____) ___/:________/:________:\____: \____:\_____/:______ \oO/ \_ : __/_ _._ __/_ . __/\__/__ | __/_ : __/ \/ / \_/ \/ | \/ : \/ _/ | \/ \_/ \ / : \_ : \ | \ \ : \ : \_ wHERE \____| /_______/___: /_ ._/________/____| / tHE cOWS :_____/ :___/ \_: :_____/ mEET! rINGDOWN: +45-nahnot4u - aT uSR 28k8 v.EV lONGHAIRED sYSOP - uGLY cOSYS'S - nASTY rATIOS - wEIRD aSKIIS nO hARD-tO-gUESS sYSTEMPWD - nO NUP - nO pHONE .. eHMN wELL?!? ---> Another 'cow' bbs-add :) /(______ /(_____ /(_____ /(______ /(_____ _/ ____ \_ ____ \_/ ___ \_ __ \_ __ \_ (____) Cows \ \_/ / \_/ / : / \ / __\___/ \oO/ No _/ \____/ : \_ | \_ \_/ \_ \_ \/ Access! %%\__ /%%%\____| /___| /____ /___ /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%\___/%%%%%%%%%\____/%%%%\____/%%%%\____/%%%\____/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __/\__ /(__ ____ /(_____ /(______ \[oO]/ /\__ ___ /(__ ____ _/ | \_ ___ \_ ___ \_/_--_\_ | \__/ | \_ \ \_/ / | / : / \/ / | /\ \_/ / _/ | \_ | \_ | \_ \_ : \_ | \_ %%\______| /___ /___| /__ /____ /_____| /%%%%% %%%%%%%%%\_____/%%%\____/%%%%\____/%%\___/%%%%\____/%%%%%%\_____/%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% @ Crypt European Headquarters @ Katharsis!Asc Site @ %% %% @ No Fucking Amiga/Console Stuff @ o-2 Days IBM Warez Only @ %% %% @ Strictly Elite @ 28k8 Connects @ Kewl Staff @ Fair Ratios @ %% %% @ System/X and Evolution Support @ NUP Needed @ +45 75 87 29 34 @ %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . . . . . . . : : : : : : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : /\____________________________________________________/\ : - -+-----_/----------- - - --- - - ------- - ----------\_----+- - | | | | | bOARD sHIT 4 u'R bBS! | | | | : Y : : Y : : | | - -+-----:--:-------:--- -. ----- -- ------- : - -.---- --------:----+- - : . . . . : --> Upload askii __ ___| \ _______/\ _/\ /\_____ /\_____ /\______ _/ | \_ ____ \_ \____/ ___ \_/ ____ \/_ __ \_ \ | / \_/ / / / | / \_/ /. \ / %%%%%%%%%/ _|_ \ \___/ \ | \ : \ __/ \%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%\ _____/____/%%\_________/________/____| /_____ /ck!%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%\___/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[RULES]%%%%%%%%|___/%%%%%\___/%%%%%%%%%%% --> Download askii __ /\_____ /\_____ ___| \ /\_____ __/\ _______ /\_____ /\_____ _/ __ \_ ___ \_/ | \_/ ___ \_ \____/ ___ \_/ ____ \_ __ \_ \ \ / | / | / | / / / | / \_/ / \ / / _/ \ | \ / \ \ | \ \ | \ : \ _/ \ \ _____/________/_________/____| /________/________/____| /____ / =\___/============================|___/=======================|___/=ck!\___/= --> Weektop askii _____ _________________________________________ ___________________ \ | \__ _____/__ _____/__ _/ _/ /__ _\_____ \_______ | _/ | | ___)__| ___)__| | ___| ___/__| \: | . | | / \ | | | : | | | |_____| |_____| |_____ |_____ |____| |_____ |_____ |__ |ck! `-----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `---' . . . . . . . : : : : : : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | ______ | | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | \::::/ | | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | \::/ | | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The damn lousy end! Cyber Kid signing off for this time :/ Hope this is what-the-people-want :) Special greetz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . My girlfriend: For not disturbing me as i did these! . Motion Man: For inviting me into KTS... . ... and rest of the KTS team ofcoz... (even though i dont know ya guys yet?!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ And remember; a joint a day keeps the doctor away! (whisky helps too!) ____________ __________________________ _____ ====\____ _/ | ______ _/ _ _/ ___/__/ ___/_===== _/ | \_ | \_ | \___| \_ _) \_____ \_ - - ----\\\\_______ /_______/_______/ |____/_______/_______////---- - - +===========\/======================+tZ^==================+ | | | "here's as far as i take ascii ' 8*) '" | | - Stone the Crow / iCE | | "fuck you guardian" | | - Necronite / REMORSE SS | | "i'm smart like a chimp, i get laid i'm a pimp" | | - Poskgubbe / iCE | | "you da man, now gimme ops" | | - Widow Maker / VOR SS | | "i walk down the street with my dick in my hand" | | - FOS (Friend Of Sparr) | | "dude, loose the high school mentality" | | - Mass Delusion / UNiON SS | | "why are you all on vector's sack?" | | - Dr. Death / JiHAD | | "what does 'wszystkie dobre' mean?" | | - s/\l-0ne / TRSI | | "there's a user on-line but i'll hang him up" | | - Eerie / RELiC | | "jesus christ, ascii art? the scene i getting lamer by | | the second" - Cardiac Arrest / UNiON | | "i'll get him saying 'i wanna pork her' and 'god she | | makes me horny' - 41 | | "if i can't remember who all the members are, then | | there's too many of 'em" - tINYZ / Katharsis | | "you can get wasted all year round, that's a fact" | | - Sparr / ACiD | | | `---------------------------------------------------------' ________ ________ ________ ______ _/ ____/__/ ____/___\____ \_/ ____/_ / | \ | \ ____________ \ -----------\ ! // ! // |--_/ //----------- +===+tZ^==\_________/\_________/\_____|==\_________/=========+ | i fucked up. here are corrections regarding the 15th and | | 16th pack. 1. sliver cut has not left the scene, he only | | left for his three year stint in the army. 2. US-HSZI.ASC | | was dicked cuz i did a font for it then erased it... it | | was supposed to be a join ks/tz thing... 3. SG-KTS!A.ASC | | was also fucked up by me because i didn't write SG into da | | list of members (even though it was his ascii... urgh) | `------------------------------------------------------------' _______ ________________ ________________ _______ _/ ____/__/ _ __ ____/__/ _____/_ _ \__/ _____/_ //// \_ \ |___/ _) \ _) \___| \_____ \ \__________/____| \_________/_________/ |_____/___ / //// =====================================================\____/ kTS!aSSkEY would like to greet the following: The Amiga ASCIIGods - Treach, GodHead, Count Zero, Viniz, Danzig Remorse, people who requested shit and people who run our dist sites for the support and inspiration without which this colly wouldn't exist. Big Phat Special Spiffo Kabob Greets go to TPSA, my local phone company, without whom this pack would have probably been released on time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ ______________ ______ _____________ _/ ____/__/ ___/__\___ \_ _ \__/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ \_ / | \ | \ | \__| \ | \ | \__| \ .======\_________/________/___| /==|____/___. /________/==|____/=+tZ^=. ||-----------------------------|___/------------|___/------------------------|| ||-hOW tOcONTACTuS:--------------------------------------------------------|| ||---------------------------------------------------------------------------|| ||-tINYZ can be reached on Terra Firma, Sarcastic Toaster, Harvest Moon and--|| ||-------Seeds of Destruction or any of the euro HQs, as well as at----------|| ||-------zynit@maloka.waw.pl and on #ansi and #kts.--------------------------|| ||-Sparr can be reached on Da Joint, at sparr@anon.penet.fi or on irc.-------|| ||---sG! can be reached on Da Joint or thru Sparr.---------------------------|| ||-33ri3 can be reached on his board, Sarcastic Toaster, or on irc.----------|| ||pEEWEE can be reached at peewee@zonk.geko.com.au or on irc.----------------|| ||----mD can be reached on Packaged Rebellion or on one of his inet accts.---|| ||--Posk can be reached on Super of Kew 3 or on irc.-------------------------|| ||--Saro can be reached at ryuno@netcom.com or on irc.-----------------------|| ||--rEDDcan be reached at mdb@wonderland.apana.org.au or on irc.------------|| ||---ack can be reached at valium@voyager.cris.com or on irc as "darkie".----|| ||----mM can be reached on Anonymous Psychosis or Quadrillion.---------------|| ||----cK can be reached on Anonymous Psychosis or Pandemonium.---------------|| `------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ _/ __|___ ________ ________ ________________ _______ \_ \___ \__/ ____/__/ ____/__/ _ ____ \__/ _____/_ _/ |/ \ | \ | \ |____/ | \_____ \ \______ //__________/____. //____| \___ | //___ / // -----------\____/----------------|____/-------------\_____/+tZ^\____/-------- =====> !.k.a.t.h.a.r.s.i.s.b.o.a.r.d.s.! <===== | are you sure? % +48-2-669-4004 % tocont % whq | | new hope <22-8> % +48-2-614-7374 % tracker % member | =====> !.k.a.t.h.a.r.s.i.s.!.a.s.c.b.o.a.r.d.s.! <===== | approach to danger % +48-soonup-mofo % tinyz % k!A wHQ! | | super of kew 3 % +1-310-tmp-down % posk % k!A mEMBER | | da joint % +358-smoke-it! % shock-g! % k!A mEMBER | | freakmode % +358-sparr-rlz % sparr % k!A mEMBER | | pandemoniumn % +45-75-87-29-34 % cyber kid % k!A mEMBER | | neo tokyo [zyx] % +32-50-620-112 % tasmaniac % k!A bE.hQ | | [dual] % +32-50-625-717 % tasmaniac % k!A bE.hQ | | sarcastic toaster % +1-418-849-0121 % 33ri3 % k!A cA.hQ | | wonderland % +41-6-447-3046 % pfuusus % k!A cH.hQ | | golden image [zyx] % +49-603-946-124 % brian % k!A dE.hQ | | [v.FC] % +49-603-945-756 % brian % k!A dE.hQ | | anonymous psychosis % +dom-in-at-ors % motion man % k!A dK.hQ | | atari blues [v.32x4] % +972-9-919-840 % cooly % k!A iL.hQ | | [v.FCx2] % +972-9-984-193 % cooly % k!A iL.hQ | | packaged rebellion % +1-408-246-0281 % mass delusion % k!A uS.hQ | | terra firma [v.34 DS] % +1-714-963-4851 % somms % k!a uS.wHQ | | [v.34 DS] % +1-714-963-4972 % somms % k!a uS.wHQ | | seeds of destruction % +1-413-743-9183 % phaser-x % k!A uS.eHQ | | badlands % +1-408-268-4251 % soul taker % k!A dISTRO | | reunion of souls % +1-703-481-1881 % widow maker % k!A dISTRO | | deadly intoxication % +1-801-553-8644 % time killer % k!A dISTRO | | the mourning after % +1-817-561-5390 % neuropsychosis % k!A dISTRO | | golgotha % +1-616-285-8076 % p. assassin % k!A dISTRO | | hidden reality % +1-503-968-1963 % entity % k!A dISTRO | | perpetual motion % +1-416-267-6139 % swindler % k!A dISTRO | | realm of insanity % +1-203-568-1502 % godspeed % k!A dISTRO | | meltdown % +1-408-445-9323 % bastardiser % k!A dISTRO | | belfast % +1-916-488-1048 % choco-sex % k!A dISTRO | | tramontane % +1-813-653-1652 % d. dream % k!A dISTRO | | harvest moon % +1-216-951-7069 % qur'an % k!A dISTRO | | dungeon 2 % +1-808-674-1673 % smooth % k!A dISTRO | | the cross roads % +1-804-482-5667 % ellis dee % k!A dISTRO | | suicidal shrimp % +1-514-deepshit % deeply dippy % k!A dISTRO | | state of euphoria % +1-713-too-slow % nightrain % k!A dISTRO | | euphoria % +1-418-657-4508 % plush % k!A dISTRO | | the hack shack % +1-713-goodhash % k-spiff % k!A dISTRO | ---- ------- --------- --------------------------------- --------- ------- ---- | guess what? we're still accepting dist sites in north america | ---- ------- --------- --------------------------------- --------- ------- ---- THENME.TXT 215767 12-15-94 __/\|_________.__/\_____/\_ _/ \ \_ | \_ ____/_ kTS!aSK \_ \ ._/ \_/ ._/ _)_ \_ cOLLY | \ :| | :| .| #17 l____| .|____| .|____ :| `tHE ::[===l____l====l____l===\_____l: nME' @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __/\|_________.__/\_____/\_ _/ \ \_ | \_ ____/_ kTS!aSK \_ \ ._/ \_/ ._/ _)_ \_ cOLLY | \ :| | :| .| #17 l____| .|____| .|____ :| `tHE ::[===l____l====l____l===\_____l: nME' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ===================================[ADS]======================================