- --- gLUE mEMBERLIST -- -- sENIORS -- catch22- got beef?!@!
dr,seuss- the midget tosser
theruiner- teen pimp -- aRTISTS -- catch22- pube pirate
dr,seuss- my daddy lubs me. fobeeuh- playgirl supermodel
knocturnal- pron makdaddy malformed- h4rdc0r3 sex toy! pariah- official gimp of 12/ms plazz- got chiken? gOT SUM! theruiner- hey baby, cumtorn..
stalker- hi mom!
spear- whale fat distributor
riddler- im sexy, sexy boy.
yEW?!- yew cewd be here tew!
--1998 --
sarcasm joined at 11:55pm on jan. 31st. so hes not in this
leet ass mem list. but hes in the group.