³ Ý ÛÛÛthe gäL wh0res ar3 back!@    ÛÞßßßßßßßÞÛ ÛÞßßßßßßßÞÛ ÛÞ   Û² ²Û Û² ²Û Û²  alright.. uhm.. i guess this is da ÜÛÛÜ ÜÛßßßßßßßßß ÜÛ  fifth pack from us.. and i think   ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜ  that we are getting smaller.. or    ÛßßÛ ÛßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜßÛ Ûß    ßÛmaybe that is an illusion.. and   ÛÛÛÛ  Û    ÛÛi just got rid of the lazy, or °°ÛÛ°°Û    Û°non productive members.. i think  °°°° °°°°    °°it's that. also i hope to see Û°°°°°°° °   °°more people wanting to apply.. °Û °°±°°±    °±all i wanna do is get bigger so ±°  ²±²±   ²±if you love drawing ansi.. lemme  °²±ÜÜÜÜÜÜܲÛÛ²Û²know.. and you can be a member.. °²²ÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛas long as you arent a lamer like Û²Û²xenophobe. my board is up  ÛÛ  ÛÛ" do you want the money finally so call it.. 648-6795..  ²±²±or should i shove itits near eH?!.. like.. close.. ±°±°directly up your fat uhmm.. i guess we dropped out of  ° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ°   ass? " the stupid html scene.. if we were ever in it.. only in the first pakand dark stalker is back in gel...  + pacK numbAH fiVE!@ + so welcome d5.. latez.   incesticide ³ Ý ÛÛÛw1th an0ther damn pack!@   SAUCE00lil' babble incesticide 19970805R P