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Heidi loves men by Avenging Angel
Heidi loves men by Avenging Angel
f u heidi. bitches belong in ansi.
the story of saint heidi lovealotofmen
The year was 767ad and in the city of bruges belgium, there was an uprising
within the ranks of le homosexuale girly man squad. Her name was
heidi lovealotofmen, traditionally born a male, she rejected her gender and
took a scorching hot iron to her penis and renounced her gender as it did not
appeal to her anymore some say she did it because she knew she would never
ever get the chance to penetrate vaginal stimulus - this remains unproven,
however sources strongly suggest its the truth.
After Heidi had removed her penis she found herself becoming sexually repressed,and the rage was soon building up over the years, initially she was annoyed withthings you would be annoyed by like not cleaning your facial hair off the sink
properly after shaving, or leaving the toilet seat up but then it got worse
over time and extended onto things like howcome men get to stand up when they
pee, its not fair at all
The one day the notorious ansi art crew fuel had resurfaced and started
producing wonderful pieces of art, whilst controversial at times, it was mostly
considered beautiful work, One artist in particular was
general thembolomeu knightus of bruges, his art would depict women in sometimes
controversial poses which would make the most conservative people faint.
Heidi lovealotofmen did not like this, and she fought tooth and nail to
try and prevent fuel and thembolomeu knightus from releasing any more artworks
which had beautiful women as it was deemed sexist and misogynistic towards
women. he attended demo parties and protested sometimes by attending naked and
attaching duct tape to his nipples and his artificial vagina.
Thembolomeu knightus was having none of it, and one day pulled out his 12
inch sword he named the vagslasher and broke into a fit of rage and shoveled
his sword all the way down heidis deep throat, she coughed blood and gazed
at thembolomeu knightuss eyes and choked out these last words..
you sexist dog she muttered
thembolomeu looked at her, smirked and said to heidi VICTORY IS OURS BITCH!!
twelve days later the new fuel pack was out and there were titties as far as theeye could see.