Member/Board Listing for 8/94 by Dalamar
Member/Board Listing for 8/94 by Dalamar
Eden 1994 Member and Board Listing
Dalamar, The Temperate Hijacker
DL Dalamar
Coding Departme
Code PPE
TH The Temperate Hijacker
MD Mr. Data
CR Crisis
Highlighted - Department Head/Coordinator
- New to the Group this month
Affiliated Boards
Syndication-X 6o9 - World He
adQuarters - Temp. Hijacker
open - Eastern Headquarters -
open - Western Headquarters -
open - MidWest Headquarters -
open - MidEast Headquarters -
open - Southern Headquartrs -
Line of Fire 819 - Canada He
adquarters - AcidFlash
Anarchy Central 6o9 - Distri
bution Site - Spastic Orang.
Exiled Race ??? - Distributi
on Site - Kool
Badlands 4o8 - Distribution
Site - SoulTaker
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
Quality Control 6o9 - Member
Board - Mr. Data
Digital Abyss 6o9 - Eden M
embers Only - Crisis
If you are an Eden Member/Distro and are not included here,
please call
Syndication-X or leave a message on PrimeNet to solve the problem