newschool tutorial called 'eleet' by mess
newschool tutorial called 'eleet' by mess
e l e e t - a n e w s c h o o l t u t o r i a l b y m e s s / c m c
well, if you wanna be cool, and make eleet newschool art, follow the next
few steps, and be eleet like the whole comic!crew. well, lets begin ...
--step one-------------------------------------------------------------------
first, you gotta think of what you wanna draw. for instance, well write
the 5 five letters comic C, O, M, I, and again C. yeah. thats it.
--step two-------------------------------------------------------------------
hmm ... now you gotta write the letters using .sS and stuff .. hmm ...
4bacd .s@?!@2!as@!@ R 4bacd
? ??. !s. M5 4 4 ?
! ... @ ! ! ...
!@4gbd1234 , d
--step three-----------------------------------------------------------------
add a little bit of your own flavor in the ascii use signs noone else uses
and stuff like that ... and you gotta make it more unreadable to be eleet.
4bacd .s@?!@2!as@!@ R 4bacd
? ??. !s. M5 4 4 ?
! ... @ ! !SS ...
!@4gbd1234 , d
---step four-----------------------------------------------------------------
now you gotta add some colors to the ascii .. to make it even more eleet !
4bacd .s@?!@2!as@!@ R 4bacd
? ??. !s. M5 4 4 ?
! ... @ ! !SS ...
!@4gbd1234 , d
---step four-----------------------------------------------------------------
add some background here so the ascii isnt so empty .. add a few more colors.
............ .abcdefgh.
4bacd .s@?!@2!as@!@ R 4bacd
? ??. !s. M5 4 4 ?
! @ ! !SS ...
!@4gbd1234 , d
s. 4P 2! : ABCDEFGH
---step five-----------------------------------------------------------------
now add your sign somewhere in the ascii, and maybe touch-up the stuff.
............ .abcdefgh.
4bacd .s@?!@2!as@!@ R 4bacd
? ??. !s. M5 4 4 ?
! @ ! !SS ...
!@4gbd1234 , d
s. 4P 2! : ABCDEFGH
messCOMIC!!!@!!@ :::
---step six------------------------------------------------------------------
hmm ... dunno ... i think that this is it .. now, if the ascii rulez like the
one above, go and apply for comic efnet, comic, if the ascii doesnt rule,
go look for me efnet, comic, ascii and ask me for advices. if im not on efnet, comic or ascii, email me at: if you cant email me, and you cant find me on efnet, comic or ascii, call me voice. i wont give
you the number, because i know that all of yall would start calling me up and i would have any peace at home. anyway ... hope you enjoyed this tutorial ...
---step seven: end of tutorial-----------------------------------------------