Tokyo Underground Ad by Dairy Product
Tokyo Underground Ad by Dairy Product
.oO dairy product CiA ansi artist Oo.
Sometime when youre really really bored,
go into Windows and run the calculater
program. try doing 3.11 minus 3.1
Biggest scandal since the Pentium bug!!
IRQ5:RAiN Great looking VGA. Glad
someone finally broke free from the
comic-book-rehashed-rehash crap.
DieHard:Broken Hey, no one can kill
that separator bar! It just wont die!
FiRM: Hey... how about putting something
in your pack next month!!
Prophet:iNTEGRiTY Lets see some more wacky ansis
Argon:REVOLT That lit about the immaturity
of man just broke my previous
bias towards art-group lit.
Iczer-1:DVS hows the New York anime scene?
heee hee...
2Loser: I think we can expect a little
call from the FBI saying Bill Gates
doesnt like us spreading the
calculater bug.
9 i 4 4 6 9 4 2 9 5 S y s o p I c z e r-1 0N3.g1G.0.4N1M3,.4N1S Co Sysop : Evil Ernie H / P / A / V / / D .7H3.DV.9R0J3C7.m3MB3R GR49H1C4L 73X7F1L3 by Dairy Product oF CiA 4NS1S C4N B3 R3QU3S73D H3R3