mini colly #2 by jack phlash
mini colly #2 by jack phlash
/ : m i n i
/ : c o l l y
, . / t w o
mini colly two ... by jack phlash ... a cia production
not releasing ascii really hurts, since no matter how much I try I
still end up doing an assload of it, so every few months I intend
on releasing these minicollys, just to clear out my /crap directory
every so often... you know?
now for some more evil demonic productionz propaganda ...
demonic productionz, the worlds leading modding group hah! has just released
its sixth pack, see or
some little demonic diz
jp / / / /
debris, this was a logo on some joint I did
debris / /
/ . . jp
a joint by me and mg. cia
cold hell / /
joint by jp/mg cia!a
font started by jp, finished/touched ups by mg
a diz I did for damned software.
a file header for damned software
damned software: a division of demonic productions
dreamnet, some irc server
, jp/
gutter emag
hazmat ascii, a division of cia.. coming soon
/ : / .... jp
infusion diz, pretty cool
... / /jp
i n f u s i o n
impure ascii promo
/ , , ,----- // , jp//
,-----// , // , cia
// impure!ascii
power of the darkside, a little font
/ pOd! jack phlash // hazmat!a
power of the darkside, a bigger font
pOd// / / / / / // / /
// jp
vivid bbs software, coming soon.. it rules..
vivid bbs software // a demonic production // by natedogg:::::
::: / / , / jp
a prototype ascii, for a instinct last callers door
/ / / / / // / / / jp!cia
rumors list for iniquity 2.00, check the mod out..
/ jp!
------- i n i q u i t y r u m o r s l i s t -----------
stick figure combat header
a joint by me and drummerboy, blink
:: / / / / / / / / / jp/drm:
a joint by me and prototype co2 for ep
/ pt/jp
ep!ascii . .. / .......:
a joint by me and prototype co2 for demonic
. , pt/jp
: / d e m o n i c p r o d u c t i o n z // :
massive emag, blah!
.......... massive e-mag: bringing the ascii scene to its knees ............
// jp
the end, send request to