Abraxas by Megga Hertz
Abraxas by Megga Hertz
!abraxas/diabolic - !6309 - uhh-brak-sys foreslash die-uhh-bol-ikk - !axs.
// !abraxas/diabolic / hotel/casino
--- - !a/sysops : mHz/ACiD // xFx/PDS.
mHz. / // / !a/affils : acid, acidic, awe, blade
/ !a/affils : dark, fuel, fire, rms!a,
// !a/affils : ceno, illnes, tric, twi.
,,, !a/a/code : !abraxas resides in 818.
!a/system : pentium 60/16/336/2.4gb.
!a/bbsoft : suicide/2, v1.02b2 !a/remote : sexy, bleach, ohms, kpt.
!a/status : art related system !a/number : underground, since 1993.
!abraxas/notice : please standby for system archive processing procedures.
No matter what that k-rad guy on your local art board says,
the white to black style bbs fade will never die. - mHz