krl's ansi fest is over by krl
krl's ansi fest is over by krl
what a fucking bore, what a fucking ego, thinking people care, what a joke!
krls ansi fest is over, ive been drawing with av scince the very begening
and now i think its time to call it a day, although its more than likly
Ill stay in av i will be concentrating on orginisation, sinking the piss
and maybe the odd vga, so no more requests please.
heys, hos and cheers of respect to.
fluff flick apache trip vj rattler digital vampire amon-ra gasher mazek
anubis z-force goblin carpet sq2 inferno munch soul anti fruitcakes mother
black fox bad foundation harlequin nutbutter stote wolverine critical
appolyon cringe juice skitzo grump raster manix clef + the people i missed
of anyone involved in av force ooze c22 ins and any other ozzy crews.
will i be remebered as the guy who gave the oz scene black on black?
krinkleav -
three cheers for the greatly under rated yellow!