The Ravaged Nightmare by Corpulent Cow
The Ravaged Nightmare by Corpulent Cow
corpulent cow of
anemia and wicked
proudly presents
another original
ansi just
cant fake this
shit ...
in this strange r
true reality ...
i am nothing more
than a lemming of societies whims ... greetsto essbee, mi, brass monkey, + 51 6
C or p u l en t C o w an d A n em i a P r o d u c t i o n s
PPP rrr ooo uuu ddd lll yyy PPP rrr eee ss eee nnn ttt sss
trn trn trn the ravaged nightmare!
the ravaged nightmare shitloads of affils sysops ravaged soul great posting caine best art board in jazz 516---
anemia - 1996 - anemia - 1996
100 original ansi by cow!
if you want to request something
from me make a text file and dcc
it to me on irc or something ...
if i join anemia, do i have to
like pretend im black? heh: