submatic by spud
submatic by spud
.d :
i i i
:::d .d,l l,
7 d a.j i. ::,y. spd
- --- 7b --,b,d --- - - -yb.----- - -----
:::: ,:,d::,db :::,d:.:: jyd. ::::
:::: ,,: :: :bd::,a,::.::: y.::: :::.
--- lb,. --- i --- -lb o--, --- ,---- ----
7. ,*. ,. .... .?a. .,: .a::: ..dba.. .,syd7
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- submatic : !fuckup place some info or something here ...
hm .... nice piece of shit, was made for a group
called ... guess .... submatic ....
but what i had forgotten was that he wanted a noncolor
piece .... so i uncolored it and fucked it up a little
bit, and here is the result ... :
i i
,l l,
d .j i. ,y. spd
- --- 7b --,b,d --- - - -yb. ----- - -----
:::: ,:,d::,db :::,d:.:: jyd. ::::
:::: ,,: :: :bd::,a,::.::: y.::: :::.
--- lb,. --- i --- -lb o--, --- ,---- ----
i.: 7 . ,*. ,. .... .?a. ..::: li:.:..,. s u b m a t i c :: !rem release info ... . . :.:ii
Ili::::.:............. . ..i:. . ..:.::ilI