Expect a little present this year from The Reviewers Guild.
>>>As most of you probably know, TRG releases reviews of pirated games so that the everyday pirate doesn't have to waste time downloading dull games or improperly cracked releases. Now TRG has taken on a new project as well. They're calling it 'Games of the Year' and the purpose should be pretty obvious.

>>>If you subscribe to any gaming magazines, you already know what to expect, as most magazines seem compelled to give out some sort of awards around this time of year. TRG is dividing the selection process into categories, including: Sports, RPG, and Action. A single game will be selected as the year's best form each category.

>>>No one knows for sure yet if prizes will be awarded to the release group responsible for the game, but TRG will do everything it can to make sure that a game's merit, and not group politics, determines the winner.

>>>TRG has picked an interesting means of selection for the contest.

A form will be included with every TRG review beginning in late December or early January for readers to fill out and send in over email.

This means it will be up to the readers to make the final decisions! Everyone will be able to get the forms from reviews on any of TRG's three public ftp sites or from their web page at http://trguild.ml.org. If you can't find the time to download a TRG review, CLS, PDM, and RZR will be including the BallotGen program in their releases as well.

>>>The system is designed so that everyone gets to vote just once for their favorite game, because email addresses will be recorded with ballots. The email address for sending in ballots (in case anyone wants to know ahead of time) will be trguild@hotmail.com. If you have any questions about the Games of the Year project just send a letter to the same address, or stop by #TRG on EFNet.

>>>Anxious to find out which game is going to take the title of Game of the Year in its category? FKrueger, leader of TRG, offers his favorites:

"I'm a big sports fan, so I'd probably have to say that NHL 98 is the best Sports Game of the Year. I'd have to say that XCom 3 would be my choice for Strategy Game of the Year, and probably Quake 2 for Action Game of the Year... but that's not set in stone =)."

>>>TRG is also planing to begin releasing monthly reports on the scene sometime in the near future. TRG has tried to fill the void left by The Paki Reports before, so the idea is nothing new, but the reliability of the release dates may be. FKrueger said that TRG has

"tried to release monthly reports a couple of times this year. The most recent attempt was going well, until the editor of it fried his modem. He hasn't been online since. We received a lot of feedback on it though, and we will definitely try to be more consistent in releasing those monthly reports."

>>>Innovation and consistency are hard to mix, but TRG's track record indicates that its got a good chance. Expect more from TRG and its outstanding members in the future.


Visit TRG's homepage: http://trguild.ml.org

Go to any of their 3 public ftp sites:

  • p:21 l/p: trg/trg
  • p:21 l/p: trg/trg
  • p:812 l/p: trg/trg