THE WORLD'S REAL TOP 50 SITEZ is one of the largest web warez rankings on the net, facilitating piracy across the world. They've probably "taknen" millions of dollars away from pioneering companies like ID, Lucas Arts, Origin, Netscape, and hundreds more. Does this worry them? No. Even just a little? No. But they are, it turns out, very ethical folks after all. You see, effecitve immediately, they're cracking down on sites that offer passwords to porn sites.

Because you see, it's just wrong to take money away from the hard working men and women of the porn industry. These website owners work hundreds of hours to bring you the finest product possible, often more as a challenge to produce a quality product than just as a job. Oh wait, those were the software engineers. No, the porn industry is the one flooding your mail box with spam, setting up on join bots to message you in every channel on efnet, and plastering misleading advertisements all over the web.

So if you're setting up a website, put warez all over the place, the software companies don't matter. Come on, what do we need them for? But if you're going to put up adult site passwords, you have no business being one of the WORLD'S REAL TOP 50 SITEZ. After all, in the words of these highminded individuals,

"XXX Password trading hurts the adult entertainment industry - and for many of us it is adult sites who we earn money from with banner ads. Does this not make sense to you? Think about it!"

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