Former writer <I like to call myself President b/c then I feel like I'm a king or something of THE GAME REVIEW>
How do you think the US government's actions concerning piracy will change over the next year?
Well to be honest, as opposed to lying, the government is going to come out with a shitload of new "rules and regulations" for "fair" netplay and ways of conduct and all that kind of crap. And just like in the past, people are going to oppose it and say shit about "First Amendment Rights", etc. Basically, as more and more people start realizing the <oohh, I just farted, excuse me benefits and need for computers, a lot more people are going to be online and that just means more people who might try to pirate or do other "bad" stuff. Depending on whether or not the increase in population on the net effects the profits of companies will depend on whether or not the Government takes action (as if you couldn't havefigured that one out yourself as you sit there saying to me "What a retard"). Anyway, eventually, things are going to get VERY VERY tight. Meaning you won't be able to get away with the shit you're doing now, so enjoy it while it lasts. But it's going to be a slow process, and maybe you'll die of a heart attack or cancer before it happens. Because the government is as slow as a terminal diseases sometimes. Excuse me, I have to go pee.
Who will be the first to be convicted under the new laws and how will this group of people react?
Oh, you're still here, great. First they'll whack out the site owners <or www owners, then they'll fucking bust a cap in the suppliers. Eventually they'll go pull a Donnie Brasco on the major couriers. And if they ever get to it, they'll fucking bust some caps in the people who are obtaining the shit. Obviously, these people will react in PAIN because they will be in jail getting dicks up their ass.
What effect will these convictions have on the rest of the scene?
We'll all have to actually go buy stuff we like, once we actually, for the first time, download the demo of the game.
How is the warez scene going to be different a year from now because of the NET act?
There's an old saying, "A year makes a difference" I say, fuck that saying, one year, this year, isn't going to be much different from last year. HOWEVER, I PREDICT, in 1 and 3/4 years, there will be a MAJOR difference, b/c it's in that 3/4 of a year that major shit will go down, my Psychic Friend from the hotline told me so. Honestly, nothing much will happen, that will effect us in one year from now.
Will there be any positive effects on the scene?
Possibly fewer "newbies" or "lamers," or whatever new hip term you want to call them by, will be in the scene. This may help return to the old style scene in which it wasn't easy to get in, and people actually had to work their way up the ladder by KISSING ASS, the way it was meant to be.
How will the NET act effect you personally?
Ummm....there may be a small possibility that it will cause me to stare at the TV more, rather than sitting in front of the computer playing games.
What advice would you give to people in the warez scene about the NET act?
RUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. No wait, that's the advice I would give to people about Chelsea Clinton trying to hit on you. I'd have to say, just don't try to advertise to SPA Agents <if that's what they are called> that you pirate or do bad stuff. I REPEAT, DO NOT CALL UP THE SPA AND SAY "I PIRATE, COME ARREST ME". Also, don't advertise to your friends how you get games "for free" b/c that will just cause an increase of "leechers" who have nothing to contribute to the scene as a whole and in essence will cause laws like "the NET" <bad movie> "Act" to increase and become even more strict.

PS I'd like to give a *SHOUT OUT* to all the deaf people who have a hard time hearing people.