Well Known, Well Respected
Very elite ones
Supplier, Coord., Courier, Role Model
How do you think the US government's actions concerning piracy will change over the next year?
Well it'll squeeze out the weak, and the ones who were planning to retire. For now, it won't effect anyone until the FBI puts it in full force. When people see thier friends lying in jail, doing hard time, THEN it will seriously tear apart the net scene. Will it stop the people who have cd burners and make copies for thier friends? Not a chance.
Who will be the first to be convicted under the new laws and how will this group of people react?
Well sites will be the first to disappear, then major suppliers & group leaders will be the first to be questioned, probably arrested. The thing is, the main way the feds get info is by publicity, and maybe by getting on the sites. But they can't get inside the groups and be a part of it. That's entrapment. They are breaking the law to be with us. After talking to people effected by CyberStrike, the questions the feds came up with were from reading .nfo files, they were clueless.
What effect will these convictions have on the rest of the scene?
When someone gets convicted, then there are going to be serious repracussions. The people who are apart of it will drop like flies. But what I don't understand is why go after us? We do it for fun, we do it to try out the software. I found it funny with Quake 2, people without cd-roms were able to play the game because of the scene. And you know what, people went out and bought cdroms & quake 2 cuz they played it and said, "This is really cool."
How is the warez scene going to be different a year from now because of the NET act?
You just can't predict the future. The unexpected always happens, and will happen.
Will there be any positive effects on the scene?
Ha, that's funny!

I can't see anything positive coming out of this. Am I dreading doomsday? No. But this isn't positive at all.. It's more like the scene get shocked by a tazer gun.
How will the NET act effect you personally?
For now, it doesn't faze me.. but my attitude might change when it does, or if it slaps me in the face
What advice would you give to people in the warez scene about the NET act?
Don't let it worry you, for now. The small potatoes who play the games and don't contribute back (like most of the people in the #warezX channels) won't be hurt at all. It's the people who put in the effort to provide the scene with free software who will be hurt, eventually.