|08::|02i s s u e { x 0 3 }|08::|07 |08::|10i n i t|08::|07 issue 3 and still going on :) its close to christmass (2018) so, i wanted this issue to have more stuff for you to read in your vacations :) there is a small change in the text viewer function and now supports full ansi codes. so from now on, the articles will be more colorful the less :] but not too much. i want to thanx smooth for his logo screen that sent. as you all ready saw its being used. i hope that he will keep drawing for the next issues also... :) thanx man! |08::|10m u s i c|08::|07 the music for this issue is in some kind mixed. i preferred most files to be small in size but also big in length and with nice chip tunes. if you haven't figured out all ready, for me less is more ;) but... i also included a larger file just to see, what "miracles" someone can do with a tracker. the song is "mechanism eight" from necros and it was included in the unreal tournament, released in 1999! more info here https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=48333 |08::|10a n s i a r t|08::|07 the ansi art for this issue... ehm.. eh... actually it's not 100% ansi, but also not 100% ascii... its all about a style that uses lower ascii characters with or without color. if you see it you will get what i mean. so in this issue all art is about that style and includes some cool pieces |08::|10a r t i c l e s|08::|07 as i wrote above its almost christmas and even though this issue is not about/for christmas i wanted to include more stuff to read. as always there are some good tutors and more thoughts of me about bbses, new things, old things and also i am very happy that i managed to get another interview from one of the members of the scene, who is also the developer of a well known bbs software. just read it. |08::|10s t a r t|08::|07 so... enjoy holidays have a nice time and we will be back soon, next year!