Amnesia board ad by The Man
Amnesia board ad by The Man
--------- phear who forgets --------------------------------------------------yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyySSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS . SS ,. /. .--. SS S ., - . -- ,------. ,sss,ss s ,ss ,s.sSs,,sSs, ,sSSs, ,sss --. ,4 : :S ,/,4
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--------- warez monkeys unite ------------------------------------------------with being a ansi groupie,.. and being a super duper eliti0 file trader I
take note on alot of things... Warez monkeys dont like the way that dewdlers
talk... yet they start talking like dewdlers 2 months down the road...
!!!!watch for another Scene comparison with my next font!!!!
greetz fly out to pC, cP, c0, gUS, tG, aN where ever you are, sH, fA,
aB, cD, eF, gH, iJ, kL, mN, oP, qR, sT, uV, wX, yZ,