the haven by meatpod
the haven by meatpod
this month must have been the shittiest ever in terms of my ascii... anyway...
dont bug me about your damn requests, I have a fucking list.
the haven-for: gdr---------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
T H E . .
. .. . your heAD
,.,gg,. . . ,?b.: rots..
g ,db..
,l . :,dP : : .,gg,.
gdbg, ,dP.o.b,.,dl g mp.
l P?, dP.d.P..l,.
. l b,P,dl b,. ...
: l: .?! , l .y, :
... P,dP, .,g,P,,y,oyyyy . ...:
H yyy,,d l, l N . ....
P.,l ,Pl lyyyyyyy l, l .
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. . l ggb. , .dP ?
..:....P A . ,dP !l E
cut here---------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
okay, thats all. uh... Im not doing any more freebies until I can get
through my req list. so dont ask. if, however, you wanna TRADE, or DRAW FOR ME
FOR FREE, go right ahead, my board is Flash Traffick, and yes, it does have
a k in it. so uh... thats all
remorse can suck its own balls
so there.
the end.