Krondor by The Upright Man
Krondor by The Upright Man
py lJJSS: 4SSSJll7*. b. 4SSJJJl: :. :l
gg,. :lJ lJS . ,l b. 4SSSJJll Jl: *4 SJ ,dll ZS. SJb. / :JJ g.
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::llllllll ::ll b. llJJ , .4lllb. 4: llll::::::
:::::::: 7 llllll. ::ll ::::::lllllll 4 ::::
k r o n d o r
my soul is lost in your hallowed lands of magic and blood
Here to announce my triumphant return to ascii.
Thanks to all the people who sent me E-mail and talked to me on IRC asking me
to start up ascii again.
-The Upright Man
Remorse 1981