Warez Trading Forces
WTF97 ON Effnet
S Presidents :
+o Mr. BeanZ
:l +o Krusty
+o RogerZ
,s@S@s. irc wtf97
S Directors ::!
:l Crackz +o DemoNight
,s@S@s. http://www.aei.ca/stoupin/twf97
S Courriers :
email ,
:l +o xxxxxx ????????????????? wtf
+o xxxxxx ?????????????????
+o xxxxxx ????????????????? s. :
S ftp distro :
site Op
:l xx.x.xxx.xx xxxxxxxx
S bbs distro :
BBS Name SysOp ,
:l xxx.xxx.xxxx xxxxxxxx
., Some Wordz from the Prez
., 00/00/00
More room can be added for everything
Email ??????? for an app or catch us on
wtf97 on effnet for an app
whatever youd like to add