Hey hey. I have absolutely nothing to put in by way of art or entertainment this month, so i'm just gonna paste a bunch of babble about a party i was at last night. For the love of god, just stop viewing this file right here. Gee, I wonder what the odds are that someone from my city will read this, know the people i'm talking about, and show this to them. In that case, i must remind everyone that this is, of course, the insane babblings of a drunken psychotic. Anything written below contains some element of the truth. But really, what IS truth anyway?? WindRider Session Start: Thu Apr 09 22:09:05 1998 *** Now talking in #erini #erini created on Thu Apr 09 22:10:57 oh, the stories i could tell about last night. :) Thats right TELL i should write this up as my rmrs submission. hahahahaha Give it up let's see. Stopped in at the college pub for an hour before the party. Hung with some people, talked to some girlies i'll never see again, felt kind of sad. But that was boring. So after an hour i head of to Erini's place for the party. I'm the first one there. I score some kiss-up points by bringing along a cd that she's been dying to hear (bill bourne, h0h0h0h0) so until about 7:30, it's just the two of us, getting nicely toasted off of wine and vodka. Aha then a few other people start to trickle in. I drink a hell of a lot more. and DAMN did i drink a lot, but i'm not proud of that. ;) so the evening wears on. We anticipate this big blow out between trevor, michelle, patricia, and brad. Michelle is trevor's ex. Patricia is Brad's ex, but brad doesn't know pat is going out with trevor. brad and trevor are good friends. It's one of the reasons i brought my camera. hehehehehe so that could have been interesting, but it didn't happen. Aha oh, and michelle and trevor don't get along well. we figured michelle might tell brad. but that's a side story i can come back to. We all hang out, get touchy feely kind of shit. I drink even more. at one point, there were about 60 people there, all on one floor of a small house. as tends to happen, someone starts poking around. It turns out that a group of about 20 of us pile on Erini's bed and start taking group huggy-huggy pictures. Damn was that fun. Ohoho I went to the party with 2 rolls of film, blew through them both. and i'm gonna get them developed on saturday and scanned that night (i hope) Hehe so we wander back out of the bedroom, i start taking pictures of me with all the people that have been important to me over the past 2 years. Got some great shots of me with the women. h0h0h0h0. Hehehehe which will also get scanned, if they turn out. that's why i bought 400 film instead of 200. ;) Werd to scanning so the party drags on, we're all nicely toasted. Everyone gets a little more touchyfeely "i'm gonna miss you" kind of thing. I found myself hugging the porcelain after downing a 26 of vodka before 10:30 ;) side note: I AM NEVER DRINKING VODKA AGAIN Aha but it gave me a good excuse to crash at Erini's place. h0h0. so now there's a bit of a fuzzy bit where i remember being in pictures, but don't recall most the time from 10:30-12:00. Hung out with my buddies, talked to all the women that have meant anything to me, had a hell of a good time. Most of the people were gone by 3:30, but there were still about 6 of us. We ordered pizza and reminisced for a while. eventually, dave drives the others home with him. some guy actually delivered pizza at 3am? that leaves me, Erini, some guy passed out in a room, and here brothers who share the place. omi: yeah, he had been there earlier delivering to the people downstairs. He was kinda shocked to find out we were all teachers. :) eeek all of you? so we got a couple of pictures of him and said we'd send him a copy. can we say "arkansas kids with machine guns" omi: yeah. 60 drunken college kids who are about to be teachers. ah yes, so back to the story. Hehehe So at some point during the night, i had given Erini my keys and told her to hide them. which means i wasn't leaving until she was going to let me. hahahaha anyone orgies and/or mass blowjobs? omi: not inside the house, but the backyard was dark. we can't be sure. but one guy (who was drunk) just to show how "comfortable" he was with his heterosexuality, bit one guy's dick and kissed one of the gay grads. then he smiled a little. but i'm off track again. :) woah dood that's fucked omi: it was funny as hell. the one guy comes into the living room and asks "anyone got some tylenol?" "why" "becuase jason (or whoever he was) bit my dick". we laughed. ;) omi: Thats canada what a dumbass. ah, now back to where i got offtrack... i was completely wasted, which is pretty much to be expected after my performance. Ohsevenn: ha, must be erini had my keys hidden somewhere. I beleive there was some mention of "underwear drawer" to which i replied "well NOW i'm intruiged". bad spelling, but who cares. Aha So here it is, 4am. We crash out on the couch. around 6am, i hear the guy who was passed out stumble into the bathroom and starting horking up a gut. that was fun. and it woke me up. fucker. fall asleep again. blink. it's daylight. damn. i'm still drunk. i look at my watch, and it's 7:30. Erini is already up, clearing away all the bottles and shit. being the dutiful guest that i am, i help out. so did you bone or what? (by the way, this is the dullest part, and the one that i have no pictures of) omi: hahaha, that's not my style. :) so we hang out, talking until 10:30 or so. Then we call up michelle and she comes over. from there, we head to mcdonalds. note to self: even if hungry, never ever eat mcdonalds food in the morning after a big drunk. ew. No shit somehow i managed to sober up enough to get back to my apartment around 2pm. Damn. Well i would have stayed longer, but she had a final to study for. Did you fuck erini or not? Ohsevenn: look at my response to omi. Thats all I wanted to hear ;] yeah yeah. :) i felt a need to babble. so there. Bah nyah. it's ok and that's leaving out a bunch of stuff. whirrior: Yea, you're leaving out all the dumb stuff you did while you were drunk. it's hard to condense 22 hours down into a short summary. ;) you know you suck when ... Ohsevenn: oddly enough, i didn't do anything really dumb. i made damn sure of that, plus i had trevor and brad there to watch my back. you encode mp3's at a 112kbps bitrate watch your back? were you plannin on fighting some teachers? omi: i mean in the sense that i could count on them to watch out for my wellbeing. and my honorable reputation. hahahahahaha oh i see as if that's not shot all to hell now. Session Close: Fri Apr 10 00:14:07 1998 Wow, wasn't that special. and what are you doing down here? Ah, i see. You're a glutton for punishment. go away. SAUCE00wacky-assed WindRider Quad-P 199805 6æ