logo colly by spinn
logo colly by spinn
well ... im new member of phat from croatia and i make asciis, i changed my
handle before a month i was known as zorlac coz i was bored of it and becoz
it is already in use :...but, nevermind i hope youll enjoy my work and dont
forget that im drawing for about six months so dont except extra nice logoz.
- spinn dream/fuel/phat
::: .s@s..ss..ss..s@@s..s@@s. :::
::: u u :::
::: u l @ l u :::
::: u u @s@ :::
::: .@S .sS .sS:::
::: l @ l u :::
::: @s@ :: :: ::::::::
::: :: u :: ::::::::
::: :: :: u :spinn::
l l
l l@s@l l
@s@ @s@
l ls ,,
@s@ Ss. l l
.sSs. u.@s@
, u
l ll l
this was yet another mini colly from me...trades are always welcome or if u
wanna request ascii email to: mmarenic@jagor.srce.hr