Logo Colly jan/feb '96 by Zeus II
Logo Colly jan/feb '96 by Zeus II
A minor logo-colly filled with random shit.
For more of such, catch CIAs aquisitions.
I Hope spring gets here soon..//Zeus II
--------.x Scythe logo x.-----------------------------------------------------
+o shaman +46-46-123890
--------.x Diabolic Rites x.--------------------------------------------------
diabolic rites +o baphomet
fusion memb - itp shq - ivc memb
lem dist - control memb
logo by Zeus II/ciaopx
--------.x Ione x.------------------------------------------------------------
I O N E +46-171-58567
+o whack
uup memberboardshade memberboard
color-crazy logo by Zeus II/opium.cia
---------.x Opium Appgen x.---------------------------------------------------
opium - quality and quantity
k s
Zeus II.opx
opium graphics application generator v1.0
---------.x Dont remember what this one says. Figure it out. x.--------------