, nOname brand ascii
grr well eat you..
, august 1996!..
, s S ..,,. YSSSY
.,s S. I
sI ,
S .l
YSs I s,.s S.
I . .
s Il s, s
l I
I .,s
s the members of nona
me brand SS,
, cain .................... cain@bbs
.nexes.com ,
, discyple ...............
. samiss@bc1.com db sS
savage dragon ..........
. dfarrer@sentex.net
s fear .................... f
., 4degrees ..............
.. thirteenth.halo.com
sS mort ...................
. neufeld@arcos.org db
feral ...................
dyeng@intergate.bc.ca ,
db tempus hellfire ......... d
, wholesale destruction
... glock40@bbs.nexes.com
mekong ................
.. xyber@arcos.org ,s
db wizy ....................
dark prophet ............
dp@swi.com , s
,S s mighty mouse .........
... bdpc@unb.ca .ss
s sSSs zincboy ......
........... chew@freenet.calgary.ab.ca
,S, mouse ................... j
mansuy@engin.umich.ed ss,
SS ,s cain scott
man.. what would i do without you?.. ,sSs
Ss, s ,s, discyple man,
i think youd probably die a real
,ss hard death.. like.. yo
ud get smoked by a truck.
s L cain
great, good to know you know, cuz i dont s
s s know.. bye.. s ss
s layout by discyple .. info put in by cain
legion !!
this color foundersenior staff
this color artist types
this color coderhack the planet
this color p053rs and masc0t!