glue december98 colly by drseuss
glue december98 colly by drseuss
glue december colly 2097
ansi 10102 what?tic logo code for ?stonedmilitia
tic // stoned militia
ansi 45272 what?spilled entrails menuset code for ?malformed
main x option x option x option
x option x option x option
menu x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
x option x option x option
ansi 35435 what?infusion bbs software wfc interface code for ?skaboy101
infusion bbs software, version x.xxbeta ::
comm: port 4, irq 3 ip: 203.509.332.20
mode: telnet+dialup os: windowsNT server 4
comp: pentium-166 mem: 32 megs total
days: 4,800,813 op: drseuss
Menu -- Last Callers --
System Config 1, harry bolos -- 3:40pm
Modem Config--2, jon boom -- 5:30pm
Telnet Config--3, katie -- 12:00am
Menu Editor--4, kari white -- 3:02am
Echomail Config--5, jenni cymanfo -- 3:15am
Account Editor--6, samantha pulli -- 3:25a
Message Config--
Modem Status --
:: bbstitle mode: dialup windows95 detected 38400 3:45p:12/25/9
ansi 42143 what?jive soda menuset code for ?discofunk
ansi 23784 what?the bazaartotem logo code for ? severed
the bazaar
+o severed
ansi 43247 what?sweet dreams card game menuset code for ? acid rainbow/sweet dreams BBS
sweet dreams -- card games
1 strip poker!@
2 blackjack
3 spades
4 goFISH --
dOUBLE 6 other
7 other
ansi 68383 what?infusion bbs menu editor interface code for ? skaboy101
Menu Editor
menus currently available ::
main wfc other other
doors cdrom other other
files ucfg other other
msgs netwrk other other
config net other other
More Menus --
Add a Menu --
Delete a Menu --
Edit a Menu --
Display a Menu--
List Menu Commands --
Read Menu Documenatation
Exit Menu Editor --
:: bbstitle mode: dialup windows95 detected 38400 3:45p:12/25/9
ansi 4d105 endofcollyendofcollyendofcollyendofcollyendofcollyendofcocode ocfodneyllocfodneyllocfodneyllocfodneyllocfodneyllocfodne
hello, i know my art wasnt so great this month but ive been distracted by
things like school, xmas, you know the normal kid crap ive tried to get
through the requests on my request list as timely as possible, so if you
havent got your request yet, look out for it in the next dark or glue pack
as i do them whenever i feel like it. im still doing requests but i now
will only do the ones that i WANT to do. this means you can submit requests
but if i see a letter i hate drawing or something like that, then ill have
to turn your request down : this is because im sick of doing things that
i dont like to do really. anyway, be sure to check out my website, its
still being created and i dont expect to finish it until february, but
a couple areas are done or are nearing completion.
ampertek -
you can send requests to..
also check out the glue page in creation by my design label, gradtek corp.
-- drseuss // glue // I LOVE MY DR! // join GLUE were SPACEY AND STICKY