Fire Promotional by Vade79
Fire Promotional by Vade79
f R
uhg, my dad is a - f1RE RULES!!!!!
drunk, irc is v9 f1RE RULES!!!!!
fucking boring. f1RE RULES!!!!!
my life is going f1RE RULES!!!!!
nowheres, i dunno - f1RE RULES!!!!!
what to do... im bURN iCE too...
gonna go fucking - oh yeah, aCid..
crazy, but...... - bout it... l8a!
. .. Vade79? f1RE pRODUCTIONS 96 .. .
Recycled DIZ
Greet thingies: slvrpOOstop cloning my fucking nick, filth, panacea, hal, numbim the real vade?, aphidtwix.... uhg.. i dont feel like greeting ne more ppl, if i missed you, i DONT like you. :P, first pic in 3 months, can u tell? :