þ important inpho to all artists þ Disembodied Voices has just completed their expansion phase... they haphe expanded to the World Wide Web and will change the art scene entirely! Disembodied Voices started three years ago as a bbs in new york city... and has grown to be new york state's phinest art board... now we haphe added a new aspect oph this tradition... we have expanded using the internet as our strongfront! now we achiephed the ultimate goal.. becoming visible to the entire world... artists around the world can phinally come together and unite! ===> Our Site Is located at: =====> http://www.disembodied.com I strongly adphise anyone who has access to the internet to see this site! If you dont haphe access, PHIND A WAY! this site is going to create a whole new art scene as we know it! it contains message bases,phile areas, rephiews on upcoming packs, articles on the artscene, musicscene, and demoscene, tutorials for coding, ansi, ascii, music etc. phull group listings oph all top art sites around the world and artists web pages/email addresses and many more features. i think that the WWW will be the repholution to the art world as we know it! Why are you still reading this!? www away!! BBS Line : 718-279-2766 °±°±±²² wicked inpho written and directed by fatal sacrilege (wickedss) ²²±±°±°