cia conspiracy #36 ascii colly B by lots of artists
cia conspiracy #36 ascii colly B by lots of artists
cia ascii collection B.. the rEAl ascii bitz.. nO coLOR..
kaleidasisland - ---- - - - - - --- -- - --------
island ::. . .:. .::. ... kalSoap
Q@g Qg,
:::::::: :: pQ ,gQQg L,gQQg, ,gQL :: ::::::::::::: :: P !, :: g :: * ::. :: ::::::::. .::: ::: ,g Q@g byd :: :: L j ::: :: ::.,::::,, jbydL ,! L byd ,g,,P ,,
phallicbleak - ---- - - - - - --- -- - --------
.sS*, ,sS aSCii .,s@S .,s@S . .,s@Ss. .,s@S -by-
p*, . phalicblEAksss . sss .,s@ sss /+--+SSSSSS + SSSS. SSSSS - SSS SssSS SSSSSSS - SSS. -+ SSSSSg - oO /@!: ::::: :::: :::: ,::: ::: :::::: :::: ::::*, //@!: , , ,yyyS . , . :!@
--+- , - , , ----+-- , - ss. , . +-- yyyS ,sS
.* SgS ss
cainnonamebrandascii - ---- - - - - - --- -- - --------
ggggp**qgg,ggggggp**qggggggggp**qggg,ggggggggp**qggggbggggpqggggpqgggggggggd l:P ?gggg b, ?! b! ! ?b!! ggdP P : .,dP: lP P
bb,P !b,,dP ! !b,,dP !bb,P ?
?: l: lP: lP?: l: d gg,,dl :,?l :::dl :b,,,dl :Pdl l ?P P?ymmdbb, P?ymmdyyP?b ?P
n o n a m e b r a n d a s c i i
cainiom - - ---- - - - - - --- -- - --------
,d db ?b,
?gggd the ides of march.. d77 d db,
yy, +o nuremberg ,dPdb?P db
?P7by, ,dPyy,??b
?l P7P,d ?b7
,dy,? yyyd Pb,l lby,
l7 yyydb yyyyb, ? b
1O1O1O11,dyy 7 yyP,, P bO11OO
d 7P,yyydyyP7,d
db,7P,yyyd7, ?bycn!by,7P yyP
?Pby,77,db ?P7b,7P,b
?yydbyyyydP,yP db,7byyyyydP
?P,dP db7P
7PyyyP dP c1aca1n