Chaos Energy Group
ArtPack No.6 "Born to Drawing"
  • ...ArtPack Info...
.,.Bazooka Bob.,.
bb-death.jpg "Button of Death"
bb-ghost.jpg "Night Ghost"
bb-heart.jpg "Beauty Kills"
bb-mech.jpg "MechWarrior"
bb-monks.jpg "Monks"
bb-pain.jpg "Voodoo Doll"
.,.Mad Lizard.,.
liz-arch.jpg "Garnett: The Archer"
liz-dtp.jpg "We were born to paint..."
liz-nice.jpg "...really young and beauty Alenka..."
liz-bear.jpg "Lovely Bear" (I saw this pix on the postcard and desided to draw it myself...)
ng-city.jpg "City, that never sleeps..."
ng-jane.jpg "Jane is got a gun..."
ng-wp.jpg "War & Peace"
ng-xaos.jpg "Born to Drawing"
.,.Shaggy Nik.,.
sg-cybor.jpg "Chocolade Cyborg"
sg-koala.jpg "Koala... f#ckin' Vietnam..."
sl-ceg.asc "Chaos Energy Group logo"
sl-ceg2.asc "Another Chaos Energy Group logo" =)
sl-klmom.asc "Kill your mom in a case"
sl-mtfks.asc "Dead motherfuckers"
sl-ruff.asc "Ruff engine music group"
sl-urg.asc "Unknown russian group logo"
sl-wercc.asc "We are the chaos coders"
sl-x-art.asc "X-art, one member group"
sl-xr^d.asc "X-ray diskmag file_id.diz"
sp-birth.jpg "Birth"
sp-vovin.jpg "Vovin..."
  • ...Group History...
In September 1997, two guys realised that the best way to improve their knowledge in programming is to work in co-operation. So it was the first step. We knew by practice that two heads are better than one. =) following this rule, by december our group dubbled. At the time, we realised we needed artists, and two artists were invited to join us. It was the second step. Soon, a musician started work with us but not long. =( Unfortunately we had to reject both his help and his compositions. But thanks to him we have now one more artist in our group.
In September-October 1998, 4 new members joined C.E.G. Shaggy Nik (Artist), Bazooka Bob (Artist), Sparky (Artist) and Mad Lizard (Artist). So, C.E.G. improved its artpack activity greatly, we realised artpack #3. Despite of the fact we are lack of spare time, the preparations to ByteFall'98 are progressing (We hope it will come true =)

We still need greatly a capable musician :-(

  • ...Lastest News...
In December 1998, Grave Digger has left our group, instead Slash (Coder/Ascii artist) joined us in January 1999. His ascii one can see since 6 artpack.
  • ...Members...
Bazooka Bob [BB]
Mad Lizard [Liz] ,
Mortuary Keeper [M0K] 2:5020/
Nazgul [Ng] 2:5020/
Shaggy Nik [Sg], 2:5020/
Slash [Sl] 2:5011/
Sparky [SP]
Valan Acid [VA] No Contact =(
Dr.Nikolas [DRN], 2:5020/
Infarct [INF] 2:5020/
Levitator [Lvt] 2:5020/
  • ...Our Releases...
"ArtPack #1 First C.E.G. ArtPack" [ART]
"ArtPack #2 Part A: Experience" [ART]
"ArtPack #2 Part B: Experience" [ART]
"ArtPack #3 Part A: Passive Attack" [ART]
"ArtPack #3 Part B: Passive Attack" [ART]
"ArtPack #4 Part A: New Generation" [ART]
"ArtPack #4 Part B: New Generation" [ART]
"ArtPack #5 Part A: Happy Five" [ART]
"ArtPack #5 Part B: Happy Five" [ART]
"ArtPack #5 Part C: UnderSea Project Preview" [ART]
"ArtPack #6 Part A: Born to Drawing" [ART]
"ArtPack #6 Part B: Born to Drawing" [ART]