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: hugi eighteen
: the eminent one :.............. . . . . ..sl.
Once Upon A Time There Was A Giant. A huge giant with a large tummy,
frightening sharp teeth and hands of steel. This giant lived in a cave
in the dark woods of Asgaroth. He enjoyed his life very much. Every
day he went out from his cave in order to hunt deer and eat it slowly
and with great pleasure in the evening. Of course it was hard for him
in the beginning to hunt deer because he was such a big creature.
Everybody could see him from a mile away. What he had to achieve was
high speed. And so he trained very hard every day, running ten miles
: up and down the highland near the forest. He always measured the time :
: he took. With the years, it started to improve. In the end, he gained :
: such a speed that he could catch every deer no matter how fast it was. :
: The people who visited Asgaroth soon started telling legends about :
: this quick giant. One day the mighty god Thor learned about it. Thor :
: was the fastest of the gods and was sure that he would beat such a fat :
giant easily. Thus Thor made the journey to the giants realm. He
stood straight in front of the cave and brandished his dangerous
looking axe. Giant! Thor, your master, is waiting for you. I heard
: that you are quick. So, lets have a running competition. The winner :
: is the one who reaches the big lark at the other end of the forest :
: first. If you lose, I will kill you! This did not impress the giant :
: much: Ah well, okay, lets start. And the two heroes ran. There were :
: many obstacles in the path, which Thor could easily surpass using his :
: axe. This advantage the giant did not have. But he did what he could. :
And at the end, when the path got clearer, the giant really started :
rushing - and reached the end sooner than the god. Incredible, said
the god, you are indeed faster than me. Well, I will not only let you
live no, all the surrounding area, including the next few villages,
are from now on your area. The giant thanked Thor and reigned over
his country wisely. The period of his reign was so just and peaceful
that he, the giant who beat the great god Thor in a running
competition, is still in our memories today. His name was: Hugi.
Pentium-comp. CPU . Video card w/ hardware blitter . 32 mb RAM . DirectX
You should read this before you start.
The Interface was designed to work no matter what is wrong with it or
with the users computer. If the Interface enters a fullscreen mode
: and hangs this happens e.g. on S3 Trio, first try the /hicolor :
: switch to limit it to high-color mode, and if this wont help, you can :
: still run it in windowed mode using the /windowed switch. In critical :
: situations you can try /noeffects and /novsync switches also if your :
PC is slow.
If the attached modules/songs consume too much processor time complex
: modules can work slow even on PII, try to limit the music quality :
: with /22 /8 /mono and /11 switches these correspond to 22kHz, 8bit, :
: mono output and 11kHz. You can also disable music or overall sound :
: with /nomusic and /nosound switches, respectively. :
Please report any bugs to cdragan@ams.ampr.org
Comments positive or negative are also welcome.
Typically the Interface chooses the highest possible mode depth i.e.
number of Bits Per Pixel. The depth may be 8bpp palettized, 16bpp
including RGB555, 24bpp or 32bpp.
If the Interface runs slowly weak processor or if there are problems
with a true color mode 24 or 32bpp, the user may choose to limit the
depth to maximum 16bpp using /hicolor switch.
In some cases the Interface may not want to run at all in fullscreen
mode, and the user may choose to run it in a windowed mode, using
/windowed or /gui switch.
There are some special effects in the Interface, such as smooth
scrolling or cross-fading. If these effects are too slow or cause
crashes, the user may disable them using the /noeffects switch.
: The user may want to disable sound from some reason bugs in player, :
: listens to CD audio, etc.. The /nosound switch disables all sound, :
: /nomusic only music and /nosfx only sound effects. :
: If the user has a very slow hardware, or the tunes used with the :
: Interface have lots of channels, the user might want to decrease the :
: quality of music, gaining some free processor cycles. This can be :
: accomplished with the following switches: :
: /8 - sets music output to 8-bit by default 16-bit is used, :
/mono - sets music output to mono by default stereo is used,
/22 - sets output frequency to 22050Hz by default 44100 is used,
/11 - sets output frequency to 11025Hz.
The /8 switch has effect only if the Interface uses the BASS module
player. The /mono switch does not affect FMOD module player. Note
that the Interface can use three music systems: an internal one that
plays only XMs not all!, external BASS or external FMOD. This Hugi
: issue uses BASS and the internal player. :
: The Interface was designed to take advantage of mouse wheels. This :
: cute invention enhances scrolling capabilities, but unfortunately has :
: three different standards. If the mouse program sends WMVSCROLL :
: messages, the user may wish to create a vertical scrollbar to handle :
: these messages. This can be accomplished with /weirdwheel switch. The :
: other two handling techniques are done automatically. The /weirdwheel :
: switch is only needed on WinNT 3.x and Win95. :
: The Interface can play external tunes. For this purpose there is the :
/music switch, after which the path and name of a module must be
specified. One can also use /xm switch, which uses the internal
player, capable of playing only XM tunes.
As no page flipping is used, the Interface waits for the vertical
retrace before drawing anything. To skip this waiting and gather some
milliseconds, the user may specify the /novsync switch. Doing this,
however, can decrease quality in some cases if there is no hardware
blitter, synchronizing with vertical retrace does not matter anyway.
In case you do not know, Windows applications can have switches
entered at commandline, just like in DOS or Linux. Accessing the
command line is accomplished through the Run command from the Start
menu or in Shortcut properties right-click on a shortcut, then enter
the switches after the program name.
It is easy to navigate through articles both with mouse and keyboard.
As there are two types of articles, ones with contiguous contents, and
ones with fixed-height pages that can contain columns, the techniques
of scrolling them differ a bit.
To scroll a typical contiguous article, the user may:
- use up/down arrows, which select links and scroll articles
vertically by a fixed small amount typically a line,
- use page up/page down keys to scroll articles by a page,
- press space key to precisely scroll articles down,
- roll the mouse wheel which scrolls articles in a way depending on
the wheel settings,
- move mouse cursor to the upper or lower edge of the screen, to
scroll articles by a line,
: - drag the progressbar scrollbar thumb to quickly position articles, :
: - click on the progressbar beyond the thumb to cause scrolling by a :
: page, :
: - press home or end key to scroll an article to the beginning or to :
: the end. :
: To scroll an article with fixed positions e.g. with columns, the :
: user may: :
: - use up/down arrows, which select links and scroll articles :
: vertically by a page, :
: - use page up/page down keys to scroll articles by a page, :
: - use left/right arrows, which scroll articles left or right by a :
: column only if there are at least two columns, :
: - roll the mouse wheel to scroll articles up or down by a page per :
- move mouse cursor to the upper or lower edge of the screen, to
scroll articles by a line,
- move mouse cursor to the left or right edge of the screen, to scroll
articles left or right by a column,
- drag the progressbar scrollbar thumb to quickly position articles,
- click on the progressbar beyond the thumb to cause scrolling by a
- press home or end key to scroll an article to the beginning or to
the end.
Some other legacy key combinations also exist:
- shift+arrow down/up work like page down/up,
- ctrl+home and ctrl+end work like home and end,
- ctrl+page up and ctrl+page down also work like home and end,
- left and right in single-column articles scroll by a page up and
The user may move between visible links either using left and down
arrow keys, or pointing the links with mouse. To enter activate a
link the user may press enter, ctrl+right arrow or simply click left
mouse button on that link. This way the user enters an article or
causes some external action e.g. starts a web browser.
: To exit an article and return to a previous one, the user may click :
: right mouse button, press backspace, esc or ctrl+left arrow. :
: To quit the Interface being in the main article e.g. menu, the user :
: may double click right mouse button, press backspace or esc. In any :
: other article the user may press F10, alt+q or alt+x. :
: Pressing keys 1 through 8 the user can select a tune. Of course the :
: actual number of available tunes depends on an issue. In this issue :
: there are three tunes. To select a tune entered at commandline e.g. :
: with /music switch, the user may press F3 key. To turn off the music, :
: the user may press 0 key. :
If an issue or an article contains more than one background
image/theme, the other themes can be selected using ctrl+number keys
numbers 1 through 9 are available. This issue comes along with three
background themes.
Other available keys:
- F1 - display help,
- F2 - save current article to disk in HTML, if only possible,
- F4 - enable/disable effects e.g. smooth scrolling at run-time,
- F7 - search through articles by words,
- ctrl+enter - copy selected link to clipboard.
What follows is a list of all switches and keys available in this
/hicolor ................ limits the Interface to use a 16bpp mode
/music name.ext ......... plays name.ext in background mod/xm/s3m/it
: /xm name.ext ............ plays name.ext in background only xm :
: /noeffects .............. disables special video effects see also F4 :
: /novsync ................ disables synchronization with vert. retrace :
: /nosound ................ disables music and sound effects :
/nomusic ................ disables music
/nosfx .................. disables sound effects
/8 ...................... limits music output to 8-bit
: /mono ................... limits music output to mono :
: /22 ..................... limits music output frequency to 22050Hz :
: /11 ..................... limits music output frequency to 11025Hz :
: /gui .................... activates windowed mode :
/windowed ............... activates windowed mode
/weirdwheel ............. creates scrollbar for some mouse wheels
cursor up ......... goes to previous link or scrolls upwards line-wise
cursor down ....... goes to next link or scrolls downwards line-wise
cursor left ....... scrolls left column-wise or upwards page-wise
cursor right ...... scrolls right column-wise or downwards page-wise
page up ........... scrolls upwards page-wise
page down ......... scrolls downwards page-wise
shift+up .......... scrolls upwards page-wise
shift+down ........ scrolls downwards page-wise
: home .............. goes to the top of the article :
: end ............... goes to the bottom of the article :
: ctrl+home ......... goes to the top of the article :
: ctrl+end .......... goes to the bottom of the article :
: ctrl+page up ...... goes to the top of the article :
: ctrl+page down .... goes to the bottom of the article :
: space ............. pixel down only in one-column articles :
: enter ............. selects a link :
ctrl+cursor right.. selects a link
ctrl+enter ........ copies an external link to the clipboard
backspace ......... exits the current article or quits
esc ............... exits the current article or quits
: ctrl+cursor left .. exits the current article :
: alt+x ............. exits to the operating system :
: alt+q ............. exits to the operating system :
: f10 ............... exits to the operating system :
: f1 ................ displays this help text :
: f2 ................ saves the article to disk in HTML :
: f3 ................ selects tune entered at commandline :
: f4 ................ toggles enables/disables effects :
: f7 ................ enters article search mode :
0 ................. stops music
1 ................. selects tune 1 One of a kind by Acumen
2 ................. selects tune 2 Late nights by Andromeda/Noice
3 ................. selects tune 3 exclusive by traymuss/GiRaFfE
ctrl+1 ............ selects default background by dines/blabla
ctrl+2 ............ selects background from hugi17 by Hellfire/HjB
ctrl+3 ............ selects background from hugi16 by Flood/Noice
move mouse to the top ................... scrolls upwards line-wise
: move mouse to the bottom ................ scrolls downwards line-wise :
: move mouse to the left .................. scrolls upwards page-wise :
: move mouse to the right ................. scrolls downwards page-wise :
roll mouse wheel ........................ scrolls depends on settings
......................................... in the Control Panel of Win
move mouse over link .................... selects a link
left mouse button on link ............... enters a link
: left mouse button on progressbar ........ scrolls by a page :
: right mouse button ...................... exits the current article :
: double-click right mouse button ......... in main article: quits :
drag progressbar thumb .................. scrolls
The Royal Family consists of the members of the former Hugi Crew,
: which is now called Hugi Core, and some of the people who have been :
most important for the success of Hugi. Only people who have been
active for Hugi and supported it with high-quality contributions for a
: long time can become members of The Royal Family. The current members :
-- King and Prophet Adok. Editor, Coder. Hugi. hugi@netway.at --
-- Prince Chris Dragan. Coder, Editor. Hugi. cdragan@ams.ampr.org --
-- Mage Dario Phong. Coder, Editor. Hugi. dariophong@mixmail.com --
-- Prince Dendrite. Musician, Coder, Editor. Hugi. srj22@cam.ac.uk --
-- Prince Hellfire. Coder, Graphician. Haujobb. hellfire@haujobb.de --
-- Prince Jabberwocky. Writer. Lower Bavaria. --
-- Prince Makke. Editor, Musician. Hugi, Visuale. makke@trebel.org --
-- Prince Mr. SEQ. Musician. Hugi, NoLogic. daniel.tuecks@t-online.de
-- Prince Psykax. Editor, Coder. Hugi. psychoalien@earthling.net --
-- Prince Salami. Coder, Web-host. Nothing. --
-- Prince Slash. Editor, Ascii artist. Secular. secular@mail.ru --
-- Prince Street Raider. Coder. DDT Entertainment. sraider@aha.ru --
-- 1996/04
Hugendubelexpress Intro Pack
intro --
-- 1996/05
Hugendubelexpress 1
diskmag.de --
-- 1996/08
Hugendubelexpress 2
diskmag.de --
-- 1996/11
Hugendubelexpress 3
diskmag.de --
-- 1997/01
Hugendubelexpress 4
diskmag.de --
-- 1997/03
Hugi 5
diskmag.de --
-- 1997/05
Hugi 6
diskmag.de --
-- 1997/07
Hugi 7
diskmag.de --
-- 1997/10
Hugi 8
diskmag.de --
-- 1997/10
Adoks Way to Assembler
tutorial --
-- 1997/12
Hugi 9 - The Next Generation
diskmag.de --
-- 1998/03
mags.faq v1.0
textfile --
-- 1997/03
Adoks Way to C
tutorial --
-- 1998/04
mags.faq v1.1
textfile --
-- 1998/04
Hugi 10
diskmag.de --
-- 1998/06
mags.faq v1.2
textfile --
-- 1998/06
mags.faq v1.3
textfile --
-- 1998/06
Hugi 11 - Obscene Scene Magascene
diskmag --
-- 1998/09
Hugi 12 - The Huge Disk Mega Zine
diskmag --
-- 1998/12
Hugi 13 - For Educational Purposes
diskmag --
-- 1999/02
Hugi 14 - Hugi in Afghanistan
diskmag --
-- 1999/05
Hugi 15 - Whenever You Are Alone
diskmag --
-- 1999/06
Austrian Scene Meeting Photo Pack
photopack --
-- 1999/07
Hugi 16 - The Royal Scene Magazine
diskmag --
-- 1999/08
Hugi 16 - Russian Edition
diskmag.ru --
-- 1999/08
Hugi 17 - For International Affairs
diskmag --
-- 1999/08
Hugi 17 Bonus Pack
sourcecodes --
-- 1998/09
mags.faq v1.4
textfile --
-- 1999/12
Hugi 18 - The Eminent
diskmag --
-- 1999/12
Hugi 18 - Russian Edition
diskmag.ru --
-- Moreover, we release a weekly newsletter called HugiNews. --
een, 303dim, Aardbei, Abaddon, Abdur, Abholpapi, Abyss, Access
Denied, Acid, Acid Rain, Acme, Adet, Aion, AgraVeDict, Alba, Alpha
Millennium, Altair, Amable, Amber, Amnesia, Anadune, Anakata,
Androids Dream, Anti-Social, Appendix, Arf!Studios, Asoziale
Randgruppe Frankfurt, Aspirine, Astroidea, Atomik, Autopsy, Beam,
Beyond, Bionix, Blabla, Black Maiden Germany, Black Maiden Poland,
Blasphemy, BNC, Bomb!, Boombassrecords, Bora, BPM, Brainchild,
Byterapers, C-Lous, Calodox, Calvados, Capital, Castrum Doloris, CBX,
Chaos Energy Group, Centolos, CFX, Chalice, Chemical Reaction,
Chippendales, Chroma Desire, Chrome Design, Church of AntiScene, CNCD,
Colorfast, Comic Pirates, CoPro, Crazy Pinheads, Cryogen, Cryonics,
Crystal, Crystal Tokyo Clan, Cubic Team, Cycla, Damage, Damones,
Dance, Darkage, Dark Eden, Dawn, Dawn3, Daze, Dazed, DC5, De
Brasserie, Deep Deep Trouble Entertainment, Defacto 2, Defect,
Deltaspace, Der harte Kern, Deranged, Desire, Despite, Diffusion,
Digital Nerds, Digitalis, Dilemma, Dinasty, Dirty Minds, Dolphin,
Domino, Doomsday, Dope 4 Nation, Dragon, Drei, Dual Crew Shining,
Eichel, Elitecrew, EliteGroup, Endzeit, Eremation, Escape, Essence,
: Ethos9, Evenflow, Evolve, Ex-Avalon, Ex-Excite, Ex-Kolor, Ex-Tc, :
: Ex-Pulse, Exceed, Excess, Exiles, Expulsion, Extensive, FS, :
: Fairlight, Faith, Fake That, Farts Music, Fatum, Ficken Crew, Fissure, :
: Five Musicians, Fizz, Flare, Fleur, Flicker, Flood, Flow, Fobia :
: Design, Food, Forsaken, FRC, Frequency, Fridge, Fudge, Fun, Fungi, :
: Funktion, Funny Makers Crew, Fuse, Fusecon, Fuzzion, Gaia, Genetix, :
: Gfxzone, GiRaFfE, Gods, Goferz, GP, Grinders, Grotesque, Halcyon, :
: Harald Kern Fanclub, Haujobb, HeadcrasH, Hellcore, Hoax Arts, :
: Hypermatrix, Ice, IMAgE, Image!, Imago, Immortals, Imphobia, Index, :
: Inferiors, Infuse Project, Intense, Interror, Ivory, Jamm R., Japotek, :
: Jecoute, Jello, Jolly, June, Just For Fun, K!Prod, K2, Kainai, Kibosh :
: Ansi, Knights, Kolor, Komplex, Korozone, Kosmic Fifty Members :
Foundation, Lamergroup, Legend, Less Music Productions, Level-D, Lime,
Liquid, Loaf of Brain, Logic, Lookain, Mac, Magic Dreams, Mandula,
Matrix, Measure, Medieval, Melcom, Merge, Metaphor, Milk, Mingus,
Mist, Mnemonic, Monotonik, Moonhunters, Moplayaz, Moppi, Mushroom
Brothers, Mystery, Mystic Bytes, Nah-kolor, Napalm, Nebula,
Necromaniax, Neithernor.org, Neutron, Nextempire, Nocturnal, Noice,
Noise, Noiseless, NoLogic, Nomad, Nostalgia, Nothing, Nuance, Numb,
NWO, Oblivion, Obscure, October Labs Rendering Corp, Odds, Officium,
: Omnicolour, ONE, Ooze, Ooze Labs, Orange, Orange Juice, Outlaw Triad, :
: P, Pain, Paragon 5, Parenthesis, Park, Peace and Love, Pengo, Peon, :
: PFC, PhyMosys, Platoon, Planet, Poets of Decay, Poison Mixers, Polar :
: Dreams, POX, Prism!, Procreation, Prometheus, Proxium, Purge, Purple, :
: Pyorrhoea, Quad, Quasars, QVC, Radical Rhythms, Raiders Of the Lost :
: Empire, RamJam, Razor 1911, RBI, Rebound, Recreation, Rectum Cauda, :
: Red, real.fake, Replay, Rhyme, Riot, Ritual, Royal, :
: Surprise!Productions, Sanction, Satori, Scene.org, Scenial, Scienide, :
: Scoopex, Scream!, Secular, Sensory Overload, Septic, Shine, :
: Shizophrenia, Shock Sector, Singularity, Smash Designs, Solid, Sorrox, :
: Save Our Souls, Socrates, Sodium Spray, Spantobi, Spetsnaz, Spinning :
: Kids, Standard, Stoned Brain Records, Storm, Style, ST News, Sublogic, :
Suburban Creations, Sukkaz, Sunflower, Sunlikamelo-D, Sunray,
Superstition, Supporters Club, Surround, Suspect, Suspect Records,
Suspend, Syndrome, T-Rex, tAAt, Tatanka, Teenage, The Dark Sun Coders,
The Digital Philosophers, Teklords, Tektonic, Tequila, Tesko, The
Black Lotus, The Coexistence, The Lost Boyz, The Lost Patrol, The
Obsessed Maniacs, The Neonray, Thekool, Theloop, Theralite, The Solar
Group, Theta, The Underground Periodical, TMB, Tokyo Dawn Records,
Tpolm, Trauma, Trebel, Trinity, Tristar Red Sector Inc, TSCC, TUM,
tWANA0!, Twilight, Two Headed Squirrel, TZT, Unik, United Cracking
Force, United Trackers, UniVerse, Vacuum, Vantage, Vertigo, Vinilo,
Vinyl, Virtual Illusions, VisualE, Way-X, Wilby, Wild Bits, Winter In
July, Wipe, Wire Maniacs, Witchcraft, Woorlic, X-Seed, Xography,
Xpiriax, Xtatic, Yedi Records, Zero Or One, Chscene, Codefr,
Coders, Coders.Ger, Demofr, Demoscene, Ilcoders, Kotraum,
Pixel, Polishscene, Riot, Scene, Scene.CS, Scene.SE, Special,
Suomiscene, Swedescene, Szene.Ger, Thescene, Trax, Traxfr all
other sceners who deserve them!
A Royal Family Production Of 1999. http://www.hugi.de/